“Drastic measures in 2-3 days” – Time


An appeal sent directly to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, asking “to take strict and drastic measures in the next two or three days”, to avoid “hundreds of daily deaths” in the coming weeks. About a hundred scientists, economists, researchers and university professors sign it. The reference is the estimates reported in an article by the president of the Accademia dei Lincei, Professor Giorgio Parisi, where, in the absence of adequate measures, an estimated 500 deaths a day in mid-November.

At this time, they continue, “the necessary reconciliation of the needs of the economy and the protection of employment with those of containing the spread of infection” must leave room “for the urgent need to safeguard the right to individual and collective health enshrined in article 32 of the Constitutional Charter as inviolable “. Also because, according to the reasoning of the signatories, “the safeguarding of jobs, business and industrial activities, commercial establishments and other activities would also inevitably be affected by the result of an out-of-control spread of the pandemic that lasted many months” . In essence, therefore, effective measures must now also be taken “to save the economy and jobs” by avoiding even worse problems.

The reason for the appeal, Professor Roberta Calvano, professor of constitutional law at the University Unitelma Sapienza in Rome, explains to LaPresse, is not “the request for a new blockade” but simply “to point out the urgency of taking into account numbers that are falling. . “Also because, if not,” the crash will occur anyway. ” However, no one intends to replace policy on the decisions to be implemented. “I don’t do this to earn a living … I only know that by doing this every 7 days, patients double,” says Fernando Ferroni, former president of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, contacted by phone, leaving the ball strictly on the field from Palazzo Chigi.
