Solar time 2020, how the time change was born (which is about to be activated). History


In the night between Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October 2020, everybody ore 3:00 o’clock, the clocks will have to turn back 60 minutes, for the return of solar time. On Sunday you will sleep an hour more, while in the long run you will “gain” an hour of light in the morning, and darkness will arrive earlier in the afternoon. The solar weather will accompany us during the rest of autumn and all winter, until the last weekend of March 2021: Summer time will be restored between Saturday 27 and Sunday 28, which could then be permanently maintained.

Standard time, summer time

In short, solar time is the time marked by your time zone reference and is in a sense “normal” time, used as a saying in autumn and winter. It differs from daylight saving time, which on the contrary is a “trick” that is used in spring and summer, when thea lot of light suggests the convenience of advancing the hands of the clock one hour, to save on energy consumption.

Benjamin Franklin

Legend has it that the first to devise the time change was Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States. But it is precisely a means “deception”. Franklin, who among other talents also had a fine sense of humor, in 1784 he was in Paris as an ambassador for his own country. here wrote a letter to the Journal de Paris, in which, mocking the supposed morning habits of French citizens, he calculated how many candles could have been saved if Parisians had taken advantage of all the available sunlight during the day, instead of getting up late. The letter concluded with some prank tipsLike ringing all the bells in town or firing cannon shots to help people get up early. Therefore, the time change and movement of the clock hands to maximize available light is not really mentioned.

First time

You certainly know in 1895, the New Zealand entomologist George Vernon Hudson He proposed putting the clocks forward two hours to take advantage of solar radiation during the summer. Nothing came out, but a few years later the British manufacturer returned to intuition. William Willett, this time with the support of the UK House of Commons, which in 1916 approved the British summer time, that is, the advance of the hour during the summer. The solution coincided with the economic needs imposed by the First World Warand, in particular, the need to save energy. After all, the rule was adopted by several other countries involved in the war, including Italy.

Time change in Italy

In Italy, the time change was introduced with the Legislative Decree 631 of May 25, 1916, which remained in force until 1920. The alternation between daylight saving time and daylight saving time was dusted off (to tell the truth discontinuously) during the Second World War, except that it undergoes a new stop in 1948. The practice of resynchronizing clocks twice a year definitely became law from 1966; in the 1980s, the duration of daylight saving time, which was four months, was extended to six months (late March to September); In 1996 an agreement at the European level finally fixed the reestablishment of solar time at 3:00 in the morning oflast Sunday in October.

Next year, like other states of the European Union, our country will have to choose whether maintain or abolish solar time. The most likely hypothesis is that to protect myself from a mosaic of different time zones, I Southern European countries decide to go hand in hand towards the adoption of summer time 365 days a year, but for now only France has already resolved to do so.
