The awareness that it is necessary to intervene again, but also the conviction that the measures must be considered and studied because it is not only the health emergency that is of concern. Giuseppe Conte but also the economic one. The prime minister warns of pressure from doctors and regional presidents, but not for that – they argue at Palazzo Chigi – he changes his working method. All the commitments canceled yesterday, he collected all the regional ordinances on his table, associating them with data on infections and on the response capacity of the local health system.
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Surgical intervention to avoid a new emergency shutdown National continues to be the objective – increasingly uphill – of the Prime Minister, who is also immune to the appeal that a hundred scientists have addressed to the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. Obviously a response from the Head of State, if there had been yesterday, would have ended up overlapping the government line, although the conversation is constant and Mattarella does not lack his support when he invites the country to national unity.
Not excluding new interventions means for Conte to first assess all relapses and the effectiveness of the measures, including those already taken with the latter. dpcm and the actions taken by regional presidents who worked closely with Ministers Boccia and Speranza. The latter returned last night to ask the premier for drastic interventions. Strengthened by the latest report from the Higher Institute of Health that calls for “restrictions on mobility and non-essential activities” “in the most infected areas.” The focus is on gyms, swimming pools, hairdressers and beauty centers, the obligation of distance lessons during the last three years of secondary school and the blocking of infra-regional circulation. Until the hypothesis of one general closure of bars, restaurants and businesses at 6 pm starting next week. The goal of the tightening, urged by the Health Ministry, is to further limit the movement of people, even if they add little to territories, such as Campania, that have adopted even stricter measures.
It’s not easy for Conte to unravel the regional ordinances. Above all, it is not easy to find measures that please everyone, given the resistance of the northern regions to measures that end up hitting productive activity. With an eye on what is happening in Europe, where there are countries with twice as many infections, Conte hopes to limit himself to specific interventions in cities where infections are out of control. Mini-lock that still allow work and school, from kindergarten through the first two years of high school. But the pressure from the DP ministers is strong. The dem yesterday found themselves heading to the party where the long list of things that called for a change in the government’s action also strongly added to the health emergency with the idea that began to circulate according to which it would be better to “close everything now during a few weeks to save Christmas. ”But the closure, like the curfew at 21, does not like Italia Viva, which instead meets the Democratic Party when asking for the activation of the Month.
The development of the measures will not be easy because, as Minister De Micheli maintains, “there is an ongoing discussion in the government,” and it is likely to continue throughout the weekend. Speranza himself ended up in Renzi’s crosshairs yesterday for the “gaps” found in the handling of the emergency that Di Maio identifies in the long lines at the drive-in for tests. But that something will be done shortly is also evident from the intensification of the meetings at Palazzo Chigi where yesterday, in addition to Minister Speranza, Commissioner Domenico Arcuri, who still has 1,300 lung ventilators in warehouses, also came up. The curfew decided by five regions blocks nightlife, but even scientists are skeptical about its effectiveness. If the second wave is worse than the first, there are those who do not rule out that in ten days Europe will be almost entirely in emergency shutdown and Italy will not be left behind, but at that point of emergency anything is possible. Including the hypothesis, which is also being discussed at Palazzo Chigi, of a closure of everything from next week, leaving everyone the opportunity to go to work, if they cannot do it remotely, to the supermarket and the pharmacy .
Last update: 01:14