Maybe it wasn’t bad at all, but everything has to be re-done. Conte had been talking for months only about “reconstruction” and instead the country has fallen back into restrictions: the virus has overwhelmed its plans and the government is no longer discussing the Recovery Fund but how to avoid the consequences of another blockade. . At this time, the most delicate issue is not the stability of the political framework but the orderly management of the health and economic emergency in the country. In recent days – as revealed by several authorized and qualified sources – the heads of the services have highlighted to the competent ministers “possible threats” reported in the “antagonistic sphere” and in “organized crime”, which with different objectives have an interest in exploit the difficult situation. . The information is on the table of the prime minister, who has the delegation in this regard, but is also aware of the elders of the coalition.
It should not be a coincidence then that the head of the Ministry of the Interior, Lamorgese, explained yesterday that closing Italy again “would have social consequences also with repercussions on public order.” If the leader of the Democratic Party Zingaretti asked “to be careful because the level of economic and psychological stress of the population is very high.” If Undersecretary Martella added that in the near future “we could have a social framework that is no longer cohesive.” And if dem Bettini reached a cryptic “something is brewing”: “I don’t know what, but I don’t feel a sufficiently compact climate in society.”
Then the pressing of Conte, operated for the first time simultaneously by Di Maio, Zingaretti and Renzi – it is a sign that goes beyond the ritual games of the Palace. The request to “change the pace” is a way of explaining to the premier that he no longer has the tactic of calming public opinion through advertisements, perhaps saying that “the vaccine will arrive at the end of the year” but without specifying what will happen. months before I can. manage citizens. There is an urgency in the face of the emergency: we need the national health plan, we need a system to compensate for delays in school and transportation, we need to compensate “for the insufficiency of some key ministers,” as he told the leadership of the Democratic Party. Orfini, to whom Conte seems “a prefect, not a prime minister.”
It is not a problem of reorganizations or surveys, the subject – to use the expression of a executive dem – is that “the methadone of the public debt is no longer enough, and the next few months will be even harder, when for example the blockade on layoffs will end. As paradoxical as it may seem, even the issue of the ESM takes a back seat. We need to change the line, since “the honeymoon with the country is over”, as Delrio argued during a meeting with the PD group: “And that form of progressive denial that in the government has served almost as a psychological elimination of the second wave of the virus “.
Of course, the reasons that lead Conte to try to avoid another are valid. blockade: «It would mean another blow to the economy. And then – he commented to a minister – it would not be easy to get up. But the country is already being progressively closed, so the interlocutor invited the prime minister to “intervene immediately” to give a national speech. The silent silence that has been the hallmark of Palazzo Chigi has suddenly gone out of style and the prime minister runs the risk of paying for defaults that are not his own. The virus is causing a political acceleration in some unexpected way, if it is true that the idea of establishing a “permanent parliamentary table on the crisis” between the majority and the opposition was shared yesterday by the undersecretary of the Democratic Party Orlando with the head of the Lega Salvini. . It is an event that has been signaled at the institutional level. It is a network, no one knows how robust and durable, which is extended to guarantee the system. And that could soon produce bipartisan legislative effects. Including differentiated autonomy.
October 23, 2020 (change October 23, 2020 | 22:19)