Coronavirus and school, how many are infected in Emilia Romagna – Chronicle


Bologna, October 23, 2020 – The epidemic wave worsens. Talk about it in these terms Raffaele donini, Regional Councilor for Health Policies of Emilia Romagna, during the weekly point on the trend of infection in the region.

With almost 16 thousand swabs performed, Am 888 the new positives, of which 472 emerged asymptomatic by regional screening. A positivity of 5.5% of the total followed by an increase in daily hospitalizations in Covid departments (+21) and a no change in terms of intensive care places occupied, which for today are still 86. 27 cured and ten new deaths.

“Unfortunately of these ten deaths, six are nursing homes – explained Commissioner Donini -. From the first of October until today, they are 17 spotlights found in Cra, with 178 infected patients on a population of 22,642 guests in the Region. This 0.8%, however, forces us to continue to monitor the situation closely, offering patients adequate care and pressing with carpet swabs in nursing homes to circumscribe and extinguish outbreaks as soon as possible. About it, as of November 6 will arrive in the Region a million quick swabs, with more to be added at the end of next month another million 700 thousand “.

Weapons against Covid whose destination, according to Donini, will also be the Cra: “To provide an additional tool for allow family visits again that now in many Cra have been suspended. The punctuality of the action continues to be our priority also in the school environment “.

Today the school population affected by the virus is 1,444 people, 85% of students and 15% are teaching and non-teaching staff. 74% of infected students are from middle schools, high schools, and universities..

“We are in the middle of a very severe wave – continues Donini -, even in Emilia Romagna where the data place us in a better situation than in other regions. This should not make us relax and is also important in schools. wear a mask, even on the counter. There is currently no obligation in this regard, but could come. As well as will arrive shortly other measures to continue the battle on Covid-19 “.

In addition to the rapid swabs that arrive in November bound for Cra, airports, schools and the rapid serological swabs already present for students and families in 66% of regional pharmacies, Raffaele Donini also expressed thecommitment of the Region to initiate a dialogue with general practitioners equip them with quick pads, a debate already taken up by the government.

“We are also attentive to all the methods and tools to combat the Coronavirus -concludes the health counselor-, including disinfectants for the environment, for which an international tender will be launched. Then we ask the government to guarantee controls of all the measures included in the new Dpcm from the capacity of public transport, the distance in restaurants and the sanitation of the premises ”.

A call for teamwork, which also includes the regional referral center for microbiological emergencies (Crrem) of the Sant’Orsola Polyclinic, whose professor Maria Carla Re adds: “Since February 23, laboratories are at the forefront of direct infection diagnosis work, searching the virus genome to combine clinical work with an accurate diagnosis of infection.”
