
Published on: 10/23/2020 8:04 PM
The data that accelerates and touches 20 thousand, the report of the Higher Institute of Health that calls for new measures, because the situation is “worsening” and critical issues just around the corner. Along the same lines, the call of 100 academics and professors that began during the night and addressed the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, while the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, in a video that conquers Internet and stations in an instant. tv- calls for tougher measures, with the closure of travel between regions and a squeeze on schools.
Shortly before, at lunchtime, speaking at the Labor Festival, Conte invited everyone to “avoid a second generalized confinement”, working at a good pace to “avoid the paralysis of productive and work activities, as well as the closure of schools and public offices “. Ensuring that the government is ready “to intervene again at any time if necessary.” But the question now bounces back is whether the moment is now. “In ten days – says a chief minister of Adnkronos – all of Europe will be blocked.”
However, just before the new data was released, at Palazzo Chigi they were confident of a relatively quiet weekend, with no twists and no new Dpcm surprises. But in the afternoon the wind seems to blow in a new direction. The extraordinary commissioner Domenico Arcuri arrives at the government headquarters around 6.30 p.m. to take stock with Conte on the latest data and on a level of contagion that makes us fear the worst. And he is putting pressure on the Democratic Party, where many, during today’s leadership, pressed to “close immediately”, with the aim of trying to ‘save’ Christmas.
A lock up to the Immaculate Conception, the reasoning, keeping a keen eye on the data and hoping for a return to pseudo-normality by the Christmas season. But the criticisms and doubts about the management are raised by all the protagonists of the majority. Luigi Di Maio, in a Facebook post in which he defends the work of Minister Lucía Azzolina in the face of the attacks, admits: “We have to clearly tell ourselves that some things are going wrong. I think about drive-ins. It is unacceptable to do 8-10” . hours followed by a swab and in this, as in other aspects, the government must work hard to give quick and concrete answers to the citizens, who are not to blame.
In this barrage that seems to besiege the prime minister, the critical voice of Matteo Renzi does not stop making itself heard. “There is something wrong in the management of the emergency – acknowledges the former prime minister -. I think the second wave problems essentially stem from four t’s: lack of fast tampons, lack of serious traceability, lack of public transport, more therapies need to be had. intensive “, the leader of the IV recites the critical issues, although his party does not want to hear about curfews and closures.
Some, among the ministers, do not rule out that Conte may already call an emergency meeting tomorrow. Also tomorrow, in all probability, there will be a State-Regions. The government is studying a general curfew, a restriction on secondary schools and more incisive communication about citizens. In addition to a temporary closure in the metropolis, where infections are now out of control. But the clouds gathering over Europe and Italy make us fear the worst. A generalized confinement: a ghost that looms large and scares again. Locked up in our houses, even before hugging us again like the premiere wished last spring.
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