Coronavirus, mini-blockade in Umbria: stores closed on Sunday


Given the exponential increase in infections (more than 400 just in the last 24 hoursThe president of the Umbria region, Donatella Tesei, issued a new restrictive order on Friday, October 23, which effectively establishes a mini-blockade for commercial activities the next three Sundays. In fact, the ordinance will be in effect until November 14, except for additions due to the progress of the epidemiological situation.


Closed on Sundays

Among the measures taken are: Sunday closing of shopping centers as well as all commercial, food and non-food activities, except pharmacies, kiosks, tobacconists, monopoly stores (without prejudice to artisan activities); the prohibition of the Sunday exercise of any commercial activity carried out in public areas.


Maximum 30 people in events (but only public)

The ceremonies of an institutional nature that cannot be postponed, organized by the public administrations will have a limitation of 30 present, spaced and statically. The prohibition to carry out activities carried out by cultural and related associations and clubs, outdoors and indoors, with the exception of the administration of food and beverages until 24 hours with consumption at the table, until 18, in any case in compliance. of the Dpcm of October 18.


Umbria sports stops

“All competitions recognized and of regional, provincial or local interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) and by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodies, are suspended . to contact sports identified with the provision of the Minister of Sport of October 13, 2020 and carried out by associations and amateur clubs (which may continue to support individual training) “: this is the approval of the regional ordinance that effectively stops the sport Umbrian regional contact. For football, stop at Excellence, Promotion, First and Second Category, in addition to the youth categories already stopped above. In general, stop at all regional competitions, on all contact sports.

The recommendation for November 2

Sunday closings do not concern (but only for November 1) those who carry out the retail trade of flowers and plants. This is due to the recurrence of the dead, on November 2, with respect to which, however, the ordinance makes an explicit recommendation to the mayors (both for November 2 and for the days before and immediately after), of take “all useful measures to avoid in cemeteries in connection with the anniversary of the commemoration of the dead.”

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