
The situation COVID-19 in Italy based on bulletin of the October 23, 2020. The new infections registered in the last 24 hours are 19,143 (yesterday they were 16,079). The number of victims decreased: 91 in one day, while yesterday there were 136, for a total that reached 37,059. Lombardy remains in the lead where there are more than 5,000 positives. A leap forward in the number of people admitted to intensive care: 1,049 in the last 24 hours, 57 more than yesterday. Go back to increase the number of swabs performed. Today +182,032, after yesterday’s slight decrease (170,392), but at the same time the rate of positivity is also growing, that is, the ratio between positives and swabs carried out stands at 10.5% (yesterday it was 9.4 %). The total number of infected people, including victims and cured, reaches 484,869. Among the regions, Lombardy is the most affected with more than 5,000 cases registered in one day, followed by Campania with 2,280 cases and Piedmont with 2,032.
Lombardy, 4,916 cases
“Unfortunately, the contagion line is growing and there are five thousand more positives than yesterday and 350 hospitalized in intensive care and not,” said Lombardy President Attilio Fontana, adding that in total there are 170 patients hospitalized in intensive care. “The virus has returned to circulate violently – he added – in Milan there are about a thousand new cases”.
Lombardia, Fontana: “Today five thousand new infections, dramatic situation”
Campania, 2,280 cases
There are 2,280 new positives in Campania, out of 15,800 swabs: a record number, never before achieved. Yesterday’s survey was of 1,541 cases. This was announced by the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo de Luca, live on Facebook. The percentage of tampon infections performed increased from 12.8 to 14.5 percent.
Veneto, 1,550 cases and 7 deaths
Another black day for Covid infections in Veneto, registering a jump of 1,550 infections in 24 hours, the highest figure since the beginning of the epidemic. The total of infected cases amounts to 41,140. There are also 7 more victims, for a total of 2,308 deaths. The newsletter of the Region informs it. The number of hospitalizations in non-critical wards also increased, 600 (+12), and intensive care, 70 (+4). In home isolation there are a total of 14,323 people: the data includes the positives, which are 5,861, the travelers equal to 591, the contacts that add up to 7,498 and the item that the Region classifies as’ others, equal to 445. The province that counts the largest number of blocks is Venice with 3,437, followed by Verona with 3,122, Treviso with 2,764, Vicenza with 1,723, Belluno with 1,206, Padua with 1,128 and Rovigo with 927.
Covid, Nardella: “In Florence all the departments are full”
Tuscany, 1,290 cases and 8 deaths
The number of new infections in Tuscany continues to grow: in the last 24 hours they increased by 1,290, 4.8% more than the total of the previous day (when they were 1,145), average age 46 years. Of the 7,442 subjects tested (excluding control swabs), 17.3% tested positive. Today there are eight other deaths, three men and five women with a mean age of 85.6 years, in Florence (3), Massa Carrara (2), Pisa (1) and Livorno (2). Since the beginning of the pandemic in Tuscany, a total of 12,290 cases and 1,237 deaths have been recorded. In total, 973,655 swabs were made, of which 11,378 yesterday. Those cured grew 1.4% and reached 12,290 (44% of all cases). The current positives are 14,374 today, + 8.4% compared to yesterday. The people hospitalized to date are a total of 656, 50 more than yesterday, with a growth of 8.3%. Of them, 82 are in intensive care (stable compared to yesterday). In total, 13,718 people are isolated in their homes, since they have mild symptoms or do not suffer from them, while 22,777 are isolated because they are infected. Among the provinces, Florence in the last 24 hours has registered 432 more cases (in total it has 8,122 since the start of the pandemic), followed by Lucca with 181 more infections (3,022) and Pisa with +169 (3,675). Then there are Livorno with 109 cases (1,671), Prato with 98 (1,833), Pistoia with 79 (1,931), Massa Carrara with 64 (2,125), Siena with 75 (1,425), Arezzo with 49 (2,612) last Grosseto with more 34 (935).
Lockdown, De Luca: «We closed everything for 30-40 days, today a record of 2,280 positives. I don’t want to see trucks with coffins “
Lazio, 1,389 cases and 11 deaths
Out of more than 22 thousand swabs, 1,389 new positive cases of Covid-19 are registered today in Lazio, of which 605 in Rome. In addition, 11 deaths are recorded while, in total, the threshold of 10,000 cured has been exceeded. This is what emerges from the report of the local health authorities of Lazio released at the end of the regional working group of the general directors of the ASL, hospitals, university polyclinics and the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital, which is carried out in videoconference with the Minister of Health of the Lazio Region Alessio D’Amato. “The ratio of swabs to positives is 6 percent. During these hours there is a huge effort by the entire system to quickly activate all the beds provided for by the new ordinance. This is the priority for the next few days – says Councilor D’Amato -. The online reservation service is working very well in the Togliatti, Forlanini, Santa Maria della Pietà and Santa Lucia units, a more fluid situation ”.
In detail from the local health authorities, ASL Roma 1 registers 183 positive cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours: these are cases with family ties or contact of an already known case. In addition, there are 4 deaths of 72, 77, 83 and 99 years with pathologies. In the ASL Roma 2, on the other hand, 244 cases were registered in the last 24 hours and it is 148 positive with a family link or contact of an already known case and 96 cases identified on the recommendation of the GP. There are two deaths of 68 and 89 years due to pathologies. In the ASL Roma 3 there are 178 positives in the last 24 hours and these are cases with a family link or contact of an already known case. ASL Roma 4 registered 61 positives in the last 24 hours and these are 34 cases with a family link or contact of an already known case, 13 cases identified on the recommendation of the GP, and one case identified in the prehospital phase. In addition, there is an 80-year-old death with pathologies. In ASL Roma 5 there are 108 positives in the last 24 hours and there are 70 cases with a family link or contact of a known case and one identified in the prehospital phase. A case with a link to the Bartolini messenger cluster, where the epidemiological investigation is ongoing. There is a 77-year-old death with pathologies.
The ASL Roma 6 registers 124 cases in the last 24 hours and these are 30 cases with a family link or contact of an already known case and a case identified in the pre-hospital phase. As for the provinces of Lazio, there are 491 positive cases of Covid-19 and 3 deaths in the last 24 hours. In particular, in the ASL of Latina there are 126 new positives and there are 28 cases with a family link or contact of an already known case. There is an 82-year-old death with pathologies. In Asl di Frosinone there are 144 new positives and these are isolated cases at home and 4 cases with links to the Trivigliano Community in Dialogue, where the epidemiological investigation is being carried out. In the ASL of Viterbo there are 167 new positives: these are 57 cases with a family link or contact of an already known case. There is a 91-year-old death with pathologies. Finally, in the Rieti ASL there are 54 new positives and these are cases with family ties or contact of an already known case and two cases identified in the prehospital phase. In addition, there is an 84-year-old death with pathologies.
Covid in Veneto, 1,550 infections and another seven deaths. Zaia: “We are in the orange light”
Puglia, 590 cases and 1 death
New increase in infections today in Puglia: out of 5253 tests for Covid-19 infection, 590 positive cases were recorded. Yesterday, out of 5,651 swabs, 485 people were found to be infected. Today’s positives are divided as follows: 234 in the province of Bari, 30 in the province of Brindisi, 58 in the province of BAT, 176 in the province of Foggia, 19 in the province of Lecce, 65 in the province from Taranto, 1 resident outside the region, 7 province of unknown residence. One death was recorded in the province of Taranto. There are currently 6,828 positive cases in the region.
Umbria, 447 cases and 3 deaths
New record for daily Covid cases in Umbria, 447 against 407 yesterday (up 9.8%), 6,307 since the start of the pandemic, according to the update reported by the Region’s website. With the dead reaching 100, three in the last day. Ordinary hospitalizations increased from 193 to 204, while intensive care patients decreased from 22 to 21. Another 84 were cured, 2,572 in total, with positives currently at 11% and now 3,635. On the last day 3,595 swabs were made, 269,993 since the start of the pandemic.
Last updated: 17:32