What measures arrive and since when? – Corriere.it


Is there a risk of a national blockade?

At the moment, nothing can be excluded: the premier Giuseppe ConteUntil now, at the head of the prudent wing of the government, he is now convinced of the need to change the pace. But a national lockdown, modeled on what we saw in March, with the closure of all non-essential activities and schools, does not seem, at the moment, the most likely solution.

Is a national curfew approaching?

If the government decided to take the initiative and enact a more restrictive measure valid for the entire national territory, the most likely hypothesis at this time seems to be that of an early curfew compared to the measures taken by some regions (for example, Lombardy ). And so: closure of all activities and traffic ban after 9pm throughout the national territory, except for reasons of work, health or demonstrated need. A softer hypothesis is also evaluated, with a curfew at 10:00 p.m.

Is there a risk of closing shops, gyms, swimming pools, bars and restaurants?

In the scenario assumed above, a measure taken by the government, at the national level, of an early curfew at 9 pm, would be It also included the closure of gyms and swimming pools throughout the day, and shopping centers on weekends.. At the moment there is no mention of the closing of retail stores during the day. However, in no case would it mean the closure of food stores and pharmacies.

Is there a risk of blockage in some regions?

S: Campania has already requested a total closure; therefore, all non-essential activities would be forced to close; offices would continue to function with smart work. In the event that schools were closed, which the government maintains as a last resort, education would continue at a distance. These measures could be temporary – De Luca spoke for 30 to 40 days – hoping to flatten and then lower the infection curve and relieve pressure on health structures. Also there Lombardy I would be considering such a request, or that of a red zone in some cities (he spoke it for Milan, for example). We are talking about a request because the regional closure measures must be approved and endorsed by the national government.

Is there a risk of blocking traffic between the Regions?

In the event that some Regions become red zones, in blockade, the circulation between Regions would necessarily be subject to limitations.

Will the schools be open or not?

The Dpcm approved on Sunday, October 18, establishes that secondary schools offer distance education for at least 50% of the lessons. However, ordinances in many regions state that from Monday high school students (all, as in Lombardy, or only those in some classes, as in Puglia) must follow the lessons online. Here you will find the details, Region by Region.
