Coronavirus, the bulletin of October 23: in Sicily another 11 deaths and 730 new infections


CATANIA – Covid continues to overwhelm Sicily with the island now traveling at a record pace, even if compared to yesterday’s 796 cases there is a slight decrease. Second the latest newsletter from the Ministry of Health on the coronavirus emergency, indeed Sicily has 730 new Sars-Cov-2 positives in the last 24 hours. But above all, there are 11 other deaths from coronavirus (and not 9 as it was wrongly published at the beginning). As a result, the infection data is constantly deteriorating and questions about the effectiveness of the protection measures in place are multiplying. So much so that the governor of the Sicilian region, Nello Musumeci, expects a new ordinance soon.

Even at the national level the data is increasingly worrying, with more than 19,000 positives in the last 24 hours. If you want to see a positive note at the regional level, it is precisely the slight decrease in infections due to an increase in tampons compared to the previous day. In fact, in the last 24 hours 8,015 swabs were processed (which intercepted 730 new positives as mentioned) while the day before the tests there had been 7,732 with 796 diagnosed cases. Despite the other number of swabs, Sicily, relative to population, remains one of the regions that performs the least molecular tests.

The new 730 cases registered in Sicily raise the number of current positives to 9,136 (yesterday they were 8,540), of which 8,454 were in home isolation (yesterday they were 7,863), 593 hospitalized with symptoms (yesterday there were 588) and 89 seriously admitted to intensive care (stable compared to yesterday).

Another comforting fact they are the only 5 new hospitalizations in Sicily and none in intensive care. A fact considered comforting by the Department of Health.

Total cases of coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic in Sicily are 15,316, heals are 5,772 (+123 compared to yesterday), while the dead amount to 408 (+11 compared to yesterday).

At the provincial level, Palermo and Catania are the two cities that most concern the health authorities. In Palermo in the last 24 hours 204 infections have been registered, while to Catania 188. Triple-digit increase also in Ragusa with 117 new, then 77 in Trapani, 74 in Messina, 26 in Caltanissetta, 26 in Agrigento, 11 in Syracuse and 7 in Enna.

In Italy

There are 19,143 new cases of coronavirus in Italy. In the last 24 hours, another 91 deaths have been registered, bringing the total number of victims to 37,059 since the beginning of the emergency. Since yesterday, 182,032 swabs have been made.

The number of people admitted to intensive care continues to grow where there are now 1,049 people (+57 from yesterday). Those cured are 261,808 (+2,352), while the currently positive 186,002 (+16,700).

As for the individual regions, peak of new cases in Lombardy (+4,916), 2,280 in Campania, 2,032 Piedmont. There are 56 new cases in Molise, the least infected region.
