
The misfortune of a German tourist visiting Syracuse: “I don’t know if I will want to return to such a dangerous place”|The words of Commissioner Buccheri
After the visit to the park, which lasted 40 minutes, the bitter discovery: the left mirror was broken and some other damages were noticed …

Between Covid denial and curfew, Syracuse faces emergency
Last night, the president of the Sicilian Region, Nello Musumeci, announced to Tgcom 24, that in the next few hours they could …

Syracuse, died in an accident in Ortigia: request for a settlement with the prosecution was rejected
The driver of the car had lost control of the vehicle crashing into a tower, two young people lost their lives
Coronavirus, in Sicily Musumeci announces “the penalty line” but with partial closures
Sicilian region
The president of the Nello Musumeci Region will issue his own ordinance in the next few hours

The regional government has taken note of the proposals made by the Sicilian Technical Scientific Committee to limit the infection by Coronavirus on the Island. In the afternoon, an interview with the Minister of Health is scheduled to evaluate, jointly and in a spirit of loyal collaboration, some of the proposals. to be adopted on the Sicilian territory.
In the light of the reports on the epidemiological evolution prepared by the experts, the president of the Region Nello Musumeci will issue in the next few hours his own ordinance that will have as a common thread the “line of firmness and rigor” although with partial closures, with the in order to anticipate and contain the spread of the infection in Sicilian territory.
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