Constant monitoring of the territory; work in synergy between institutions; Health reorganization: this is the line announced in the Prefecture this morning by Prefect Falco, together with the Chief of Police, Spina, the president of the Province of Latina, Medici, the mayor of Latina Coletta and the general director of the Pontina ASL Casati. “It is time to take responsibility – explained Falco -. We cannot afford drastic closures but we will provide a response from the system focusing on transportation, which will be enhanced with vehicles and lines, and in collection situations, and here we focus especially on the kids who seem to have not yet understood the problem. “
Casati went straight to the point: “Today there are 126 new cases in the province and there are three cities that continue to cause concern, Latina, Aprilia and Cisterna, which registered 31, 31 and 26 positives respectively, therefore a hundred of today’s total. Numbers that are going to increase. This curve must be resized because we return to a Goretti hospital dedicated only to Covid-19 as in the confinement and this would be to the detriment of other patients. I invite you all to download the immunological app. “The geolocation maps for Latina, Aprilia and Cisterna are ready and will be carefully monitored. In the capital the pubs, Piazza San Marco, Piazza Quadrato and the parking lot of the classic high school will be served .
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