Lupo: “Musumeci tells what will change for Sicilians”
PALERMO – The regional government has taken note of the proposals made by the Sicilian Scientific Technical Committee to limit the spread of the Coronavirus on the island. In the afternoon, an interview with the Minister of Health is scheduled to evaluate, jointly and in a spirit of loyal collaboration, some of the proposals that will be adopted in the Sicilian territory. This was stated in a note from the Sicilian region.
Also in light of the epidemiological progress reports prepared by the experts, the president of the Nello Musumeci Region will issue in the next few hours his own ordinance that will have as a common thread the “line of firmness and rigor”, although with partial closures, in order to anticipate and contain the spread of the infection in the Sicilian territory.
Meanwhile, the leader of the Pd in Ars Giuseppe Lupo urges the government: “Musumeci tells us immediately what it intends to do, starting with the measures for schools and public transport,” he says. Sicilians need to know in time what changes there will be from next week ”.
“Once again the President of the Region has not listened to those who work in the world of education, neither the unions nor the parliamentary forces – Lupo adds – and he prepares to decide alone. Furthermore, Musumeci forgets that in his capacity as commissioner of the Covid should publish the report of the regional scientific technical committee, which Sicilians have the right to know.
Coronavirus, long night at the Palazzo d’Orleans