One hundred professors and scientists go out into the field and even mention the Quirinale. In fact, experts write to Giuseppe Conte It’s in Sergio Mattarella call immediately for drastic measures to contain the rise in coronavirus infections. An early intervention by Dnakronos. All in a maximum of “2 or 3 days”. This is the content of the letter-appeal that also counts among the signatories to the Rector of the Normale di Pisa Luigi ambrosio me Fernando Ferroni, former president of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics. “As scientists, researchers, university professors – we read – we feel that it is just and urgent to express our deepest concern about the current phase of spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and we believe it useful to inform the attention of the institutions, the President of the Republic and the Government, in the person of the Prime Minister, the estimates reported in the article by the President of the Accademia dei Lincei, Professor Giorgio parisi, published in the last hours on the blog ofHuffington Send“.
Terrifying estimates you see for the next three weeks “hundreds of deaths a day“. For teachers it is necessary to put the right to individual and collective health protected by article 32 of the Constitutional Court that defines it as” inviolable “in the first place.” Taking effective action now serves precisely to save the economy and jobs. The longer you wait, the more measures you will take will have to be tougher, last longer, thus producing a greater economic impact, ”warn the signatories, among themselves. Message from Gianfranco, economist from the University of Bari, Carlo Doglioni, geologist and president of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Alfio Quarteroni, applied mathematician, Enzo Marinari, Professor of Physics at Sapienza, Roberta Calvano, Professor of Constitutional Law Unitelma Sapienza, Piero Marcati, Vice-rector Gran Sasso Institute, Alessandra Celletti astronomer vice president Anvur.
In short, scientists fear the worst. And before what they consider “inaction” of Giuseppe ConteThey go directly to the highest hill. For Italy these are dramatic hours.