Quick swabs in schools, the head of the anti-Covid task force: “We need a soft lockdown”


A massive anti-Covid projection on all Palermo students to quickly verify the spread of the Coronavirus among the students of the Sicilian capital. The maxi control with quick swabs starts today from the complete “Luigi Capuana” Institute, which “I hope will also be done in all offices.

To advertise it inAdnkronos is Renato Costa, director of the Department of Clinical and Radioisotopic Diagnosis of the Polyclinico di Palermo, who a few days ago was appointed commissioner for the management of the Covid emergency in the province of Palermo. Costa, a CGIL union historian, is also part of the Scientific Technical Committee that asked Sicilian Governor Nello Musumeci to also toughen anti-Covid measures. A kind of “light or soft lock,” explains Costa.

New Dpcm with “soft lock” throughout Italy?

The pandemic has begun to spread rapidly throughout the country and in Sicily, figures never before reached have been reached. “Only yesterday in the province of Palermo there were 356 positives for Coronavirus – says Costa – Although it must be said that compared to the first wave of the epidemic, today we conducted a targeted investigation. And when we do a targeted swab, we are more likely to find a positive person. . It is true that the number of infections is increasing, but in general the health system is holding up ”.

The indications of the technical scientific committee must be implemented by Governor Musumeci in a specific ordinance. The tightening should affect secondary schools, for which the adoption of distance education is expected from the second to the fifth year; public transportation that can only be filled to 50% capacity; the closure of the facilities at 11 am. The government has also evaluated the participation of the army in the installation of field hospitals.

Renato-Costa-2Renato Costa emphasizes that “although the figures are important, we have not made any ‘sanitary blockade’, which is why health services continue to be carried out until now. Nothing has been blocked, including the clinics. . in healthcare activities. The trick is that 20 people cannot be crowded into the clinic. “But he also wishes to reiterate that” we have absorbed a large number of hospitalizations due to Covid. “

On tampons in schools, Mayor Leolica Orlando states: “This preventive health measure that examines the school community is certainly a positive development and all the more important since the tests are specifically aimed at situations in which strict compliance with the rules. Given the growing number of infections in the city that raises more and more concerns and fear that afflicts many families, assessing the incidence of the virus in the school population can only restore confidence and serenity to parents. The health authorities in collaboration with the school world will continue in this important initiative. Above all I want to thank the girls and boys who today, and in the coming days, are taking the exam and who represent a virtuous example of responsibility, composure and collaboration ”.

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