It is not certain that the government will not decide on more restrictive measures in the next few hours. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte does not hide his concern at the new data. Although, before going out into the field, Palazzo Chigi prefers to let the regions themselves implement measurements to try to limit infections. Ultimately, the government does not want to go to the front with measures that can generate controversy and disputes, such as the closure of schools.
The government leaves the ball to the governors
As reported by Il Messaggero, yesterday the Ministry of Health received a request from the regions to develop greater restrictions to contain the spread of infections and lighten hospital structures. And although Conte defended the last Dpcm released, there is no lack of discontent among the majority. Yesterday the dem made his voice heard through his group leader Graziano Delrio and the secretary Nicola Zingaretti. The Democratic Party is convinced that the measures implemented are not sufficient to address the situation considered critical.
Prime Minister Conte, however, continues to ask gradually and on his side are also the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina, Stefano Patuanelli, Minister of Economic Development and Vincenzo Spadafora, Minister of Youth and Sports Policies. The latter continues to oppose a possible closure of gyms, sports centers and swimming pools. United against Piddina De Micheli, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, who according to the grillini ministers could not have foreseen the strengthening of public transport in advance.
The ball therefore stays with the governors, yesterday someone asked to prevent them displacements between regions and even between municipalities. As for example the Sicily of Musumeci. While in Solinas Sardinia, both ports and airports have been closed. The Campania Region has also taken measures to prohibit movement between provinces. However, a total blockade requires the government to go out into the field, which for now does not intend to resort to a national measure. To try to bring order between the various rules adopted by individual regions, Minister Francesco Boccia. The government has decided for now to act with caution, despite continued pressure from the Democratic Party and the scaremongering generated by Walter Ricciardi, a consultant to the Ministry of Health.
Palazzo Chigi’s hope is that the situation improves, or at least stabilizes, in the coming week. However, should that not happen, before a national shutdown, it would try to shut down still open activities such as restaurants, bars, gyms, swimming pools, and game rooms. In addition to a possible blocking of movements between regions.
RT about 1.5
The RT, which indicates the speed of spread of the virus, in Italy is now above the value of 1.25 and very close to 1.5. The weekly monitoring by the Ministry of Health is scheduled for today. And many regions would be beyond this threshold, in Milan the mayor Beppe Sala spoke of a city with a value of Rt equal to 2. Alessio D’Amato, Minister of Health of Lazio, explained yesterday that the Rt is at 1, 38 It is not much compared to other regions, but it must still be kept under control because it is higher than 1. Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Campania and the autonomous province of Bolzano are the most worrying. To have a clearer idea, we will have to wait for the publication of the weekly report. In the last 24 hours, 16,079 new positives were registered, while last Thursday they were 8,804. The increase in deaths is worrisome, yesterday 136, and 992 patients in intensive care.