“I see too many times unjustifiably running towards the tampon. If he has had close contact, he must quarantine himself for 10 days and then take the test. ” The doctor and Deputy Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri, observes in an interview with La Stampa that by taking the test “first you run the risk of not detecting the virus, which is still incubating, and infecting your family.”
To the objection that many scientists say that the virus runs faster than politics, Sileri responds:
“Certainly, in some areas of the country it works much faster than human tracking capabilities. And we have already moved them from a containment strategy to one of risk mitigation with stricter measures. But before invoking national blockades, which I honestly do not see on the horizon, he assures, we are still waiting 10 to 14 days to see the effect of the measures adopted by regional ordinances and the Dpcm. “
On the restrictive measures, the vice minister says:
“Surgical closures such as those implemented in Genoa will continue to be necessary. Of course, if that’s not enough, you must block mobility throughout the Region. We have a weekly monitoring that indicates the risk level of the Regions. Based on that it will be decided.
The deputy health minister also says he sees a lot of misinformation in the queues at drive-ins and hospitals, “where there is a risk of being seriously infected.”