
There is great turmoil among the students and school personnel of the Marche region. The reason is a circular signed by the general director of USR Marche, Ugo Filisetti, which, as is already the case in Emilia Romagna, gives the possibility to students and teachers not in quarantine, but waiting, for a swab, to be able to go to class. .
In the Filisetti document it specifies that However, the health authority recommends in these cases the rigorous use of the mask by the interested party ”.
The provision later reached the regional security table convened in Ancona, which also established that the identification of classes, students or school personnel who cannot be present at the school, in particular for their quarantine and the determination of its duration is the responsibility of the competent health authority of the area.
Likewise, the suspension of teaching activities in the presence or closure of schools is ordered by the authorities to which the exclusive competence in the matter is institutionally attributed, without prejudice to the management of urgent and inalienable situations.
Communications regarding quarantine and its duration may also be made by telephone, given the work overload of the Prevention Departments, which in any case will provide for subsequent formalization in the shortest possible time.
After a direct comparison with the ASUR, it was established that the swab request does not imply limitations regarding the person placed in quarantine. Therefore, for school personnel and students who are not quarantined, but awaiting the swab, school attendance is not affected. However, the health authority recommends in these cases the rigorous use of the mask by the interested party.
Controversy erupts and many students have preferred to stay home and not go to school. Student representatives clamor for distance learning and threaten to extend the ongoing strike.