ANTI-COVID ORDER – Governor Acquaroli signed it today and it will run until November 15. From third to fifth grade, classes at home for 50% of the hours. In the means of transport the seats reduced to 60%. The consumption of alcohol in public areas is always prohibited, it will not be possible to consume outside bars and restaurants when it generates crowds. “We intervene where it is not possible to guarantee compliance with the regulations alone”

The conference to introduce the new ordinance
Ordinance of the Region to face the Covid emergency: distance classes for 50% of the hours in high school, from third to fifth. Greater distance within shopping centers, while for buses, passengers drop to 60% of total capacity. The nightlife stops in front of bars and restaurants, alcohol is prohibited in parks and green areas. Governor Francesco Acquaroli announced the new measures, effective from 24 today (except for schools, where we left on Saturday, and for public transport, from 4 days after the start of distance education).

Francesco Acquaroli
“The number of Covid positives is growing consistently also in our region with a high percentage of asymptomatic people,” the governor explained, “and that is why it is timely to implement all those preventive actions that can stop the epidemiological trend. We absolutely want to avoid the blockade for the protection of the health of citizens, so that the health system is maintained and because we are aware of the devastating effects that would fall on economic activities. The ordinance has precisely this purpose: to prevent infections without harming activities. The meeting has been granted three weeks. In this period of time we will see if we can contain the epidemiological curve with the actions implemented and in the meantime we will reorganize public school transport and then allow our children, as the situation improves, to return to school in presence every day.
MEASUREMENTS – The first point is distance education in secondary schools, with a quota of hours “not less than 50%” alternating with face-to-face lessons, with the exception of the first and second years. Other points refer to economic activities “We do not reduce hours or days but we reinforce security measures – explained Acquaroli -. We had allowed one person every 8 meters, today we allow one person every 10 square meters. This way there will be more spacing, with temperature control at the entrance. In the common areas you can not consume food or drinks, since it involves removing the mask. Sanitation of these potential meeting places is recommended. Another provision refers to public transport: fill up to 60% of the buses, previously it was 80% (provision that will begin 4 days after the start of distance education). Then there are the “anti-nightlife” measures. To avoid gatherings, it is forbidden to consume in the place throughout the day in the vicinity of bars, restaurants, wine bars, pizzerias, ice cream parlors and places similar to these and also food and drink vending machines, when this causes a meeting; The consumption of alcoholic beverages is always prohibited in public areas, including parks, gardens and villas open to the public and in markets. Games and bingo rooms are open from 8 am to 9 pm. For gyms and pools, “we recommend spacing, sanitizing and a permitted number of people to avoid crowds,” Acquaroli said. As for football, from a meeting with the FIGC Marche, there will be a postponement of 3 weeks for the First and Second categories, and, for the excellent Futsal, C1 and C2.
“Our calling is to reach a significant level of self-discipline,” Acquaroli said. Put ourselves in a position to respect the distance, the mask, the sanitation, the rules of personal hygiene of hands and shared objects, essential in the fight against contagion. The basis of the ordinance is to intervene where it is not possible, by itself, to guarantee compliance with the regulations: that is, streets, squares and parks and public transport. Respect for these behaviors can be important in trying to lower the epidemiological curve and everything that follows so as not to overload the regional health system and avoid measures that can become more stringent if the curve does not bend. We appeal to the common sense of all ».
(Cm wording)
(Photo by Giusy Marinelli)
Here is the text of the ordinance