New anti-Covid grip also in Tuscany


President Giani announced a new ordinance against gatherings: restrictions on transportation, shopping malls, schools and nightlife

FLORENCE – In the last 24 hours in Tuscany 1,145 cases of coronavirus have been registered and the president of the Region Eugenio Giani announced a strict anti-contagion, an order that will be issued the weekend against social gatherings. Other Italian regions have already adopted more restrictive measures than those foreseen by the Dpcm: Lombardy, Campania, Lazio where curfews are foreseen.

In the Tuscany study, as explained by Giani himself, there would be closure on Saturdays and Sundays large shopping centers and measures concerning public transport to discourage meetings.

The ordinance, explained Giani, will move in three directions: the first is that of public transport activating a table to intervene with more resources and means to encourage greater availability and therefore a lower concentration of people in public transport at peak times. . also with the help of the staggering of school admissions.

In front of the gatherings, and in line with the new Dpcm, the Region will carry out a coordination function for municipalities that want to establish red zones to discourage gatherings. Finally, the president of the Tuscany Region stated that the measures on commercial spaces and premises are being studied.

In the afternoon, the first meeting of the new health councilor Simone Bezzini with the general directors of the health authorities and Estar took place, always in the presence of Giani, determined to promote an acceleration of well-considered measures, which know how to combine it to defend themselves of the increasing infections of the last days with the right to work and education.

Eugenio Giani on Covid's emergency measures - STATEMENT

Eugenio Giani on Covid’s emergency measures – STATEMENT
