“It is not ruled out that it becomes the red zone” – Corriere.it


MILAN – The title of the day was given Massimo galli, who, leading the Infectious Diseases of the Sack, has knowledge of the facts and an eye on the jokes of the trend: What we are about to live. the battle of milan. The enemy, despite being the same as the last eight months, remains little known. In March I was worried that what we are experiencing today will happen later. the confinement saved us: now we have to reverse the trend in 15-20 days to avoid more drastic interventions.

Fixed-term lock is inevitable

Actually yesterday, someone who evoked the possibility of a horizon in terms of Red zone for the city there was. Right now cannot be excluded – assumes the general director of Wellbeing Marco Trivelli -. For the numbers that exist now, the type of urbanization and other phenomena that are easy to understand, must be analyzed with great attention and therefore no measure can be ruled out. Complex measures, because they leave the field of health and would go beyond that new norm of coexistence with the virus repeatedly evoked by the government as a general line for the country. Milan, like other European metropolises, pays for its density of housing. Even yesterday, of the 4,125 new cases (with 29 deaths) registered in Lombardy, half were in the province of Milan and 917 in town. which is why the head of Epidemiology at Ats Giampiero Russo also hypothesizes a fixed-term lock: Maybe a couple of weeks, continuing with other accordion closings. Is inevitable with an Rt reaching 2.35. Today Milan as Lodi in early March. Awareness and available tools could allow for a shorter closure than in spring.

The department of Portello

The emergence of the day is still linked to steadily growing in hospitalizations. Yesterday to the 174 registered in Lombardy in ordinary hospitalizations (total 1,695), 22 were added to intensive care, with which the total to 156, then above the threshold set for reopen the Covid resuscitation hospital at the Fair, which from today will welcome patients again, acting as a buffer for the holes that will be created in the hubs. With 153 intensive places, divided into four modules of 14 places, three of 16 and seven of seven. Instead, he inaugurated the San raffaele also one of the two balls of the tense sports structures of the university campus used for intensive care, with 10 and 14 beds. They were assembled in record time, in April, with the fundraiser launched by Chiara Ferragni and Fedez and they currently house eight patients.

DIY tracking and sms

Meanwhile, something is moving to right the criticism related to infection tracking. With Ats that as explained in the last days can no longer keep up with the traditional interview mechanism to ascend and isolate close contacts. For this reason we launched a new systemPositive people receive a text message with a link to a questionnaire that records their condition and all symptoms. The system will connect you with the GP, who will then be able to understand the higher risk situations to be monitored more quickly and strictly, explains the Ats medical director. Vittorio Demicheli. Ats that in recent days is strengthening the system of automatic tracking, with the positive that collaborates in the definition of the people he met. Demicheli also grew back tampon obsession: an illusion of thinking about stopping the contagion only by multiplying the number of tests. In Milan, capacity has now increased fivefold, but that is an exam that represents a snapshot of a moment.

Alarms in hospitals

The new emergency these days refers to the return of the virus to the interior of hospitals and RSA, which were thought to be protected by the new protocols. Following the case of the department of Sacco Cardiology (now circumscribed, come from abroad, explained Massimo galli) and a cluster with a score of positive employees at Galeazzi (but the hospital’s activities continue regularly, explained the medical director Fabrizio Pregliasco), refer to the first new cases registered in the last days inPio Albergo Trivulzio, with 14 guests and 5 positive employees. Pat, who was overwhelmed by the infection in the spring, announced that due to the rising epidemic curve, admissions to intermediate care are suspended until Sunday and the hospital gyms are temporarily closed. Even in one Rsa by Cesano Boscone, there are 23 infected people.
