Published on: 10/22/2020 8:19 PM
The Minister of Youth and Sports Policies, Vincenzo Spadafora, announced that the Department of Sports has issued the new Implementation Protocol of the ‘Guidelines for basic sport and physical activity in general’, which updates those of May 19, and that introduces stricter regulations than those envisaged both for those in charge of gyms, swimming pools and facilities and for athletes in general.
In the text, about which the minister informed his colleagues in the Council of Ministers, in addition to the rules of conduct, special attention is paid to the implementation of data collection, the execution of controls, even as a sample, and the sanctions provided by the rules already in force.
The text was prepared after the approval of the Dpcm on October 18, 2020, in collaboration with the Italian National Olympic Committee, the Italian Paralympic Committee, the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine, the most representative trade associations and with the contribution of the group of job. specifically created by Minister Spadafora to monitor the medico-social aspects of sports-related measures in relation to the pandemic, and made up of qualified medical experts from the ‘Lazzaro Spallanzani’ Institute, the ‘Bambino Gesù’ Pediatric Hospital and the Polyclinic ‘ Agostino Gemelli ‘(Francesco Vaia, Federico Vigevano and Giorgio Meneschincheri).
“The world of sport has done and will continue to do everything possible to guarantee full safety to fans and workers, as has happened until now and more. We are aware that as the days go by the curves increase and that unfortunately we could find ourselves faced with difficult decisions, what I ask is simply that the activities that present similar risks be treated in the same way ”, says Spadafora.
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