distance learning by bus at 50%


Previously, infections were 20 to 25 per day, while in recent weeks they have risen too much, reaching more than 300 positives today – a record in the Marche region. And then it comes the anti-coronavirus ordinance signed by President Francesco Acquaroli which will be operational from midnight on October 23 and will be in effect for the next 3 weeks (November 15), during which the trend of the infection curve will be evaluated (SEE VIDEO). The goal is one: play early to avoid any form of blockage at all costs and protect business activities, which would not delay a new block:

«The problem is that there are a significant number of asymptomatic people and that the trend of positives is constantly increasing. The number of tampons is very high, but today, unlike before, the positive is sought by returning to who attended. We must implement all preventive actions to stop contagion and avoid worst-case scenarios to protect the safety of citizens and the proper functioning of hospitals. ”

Depressurize public transport

The main problem from which everything starts is the local public transport, especially the one in the morning where the students move. And then a reduction in the filling of buses to a maximum of 60% (previously it was 80%). The Region will grant 4 days to municipalized companies to measure the numbers, and then proceed to the activation of the new rule, detecting the influx and consequently verifying the number of passengers.

Acquaroli explains the anti-Covid ordinance | VIDEO

School: distance learning

If the problem is public transportation, which does not guarantee social distancing, one of the ways to depressurize buses is to make fewer students ride. So starting Saturday morning we move to distance education for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes in secondary schools, which will have to take steps to reduce classroom teaching to 50%. It does not necessarily mean that each class should be divided in half, but you can also have full classes at school and others at home. The important thing is that high schools take steps to cut the pool of those classes in half.

Shopping centers and economic activities

Increase in social distancing: from one person every 8 square meters to one person every 10 square meters. Then the obligation to wear a mask, sanitation, temperature control at the entrance. The real novelty, however, is the absolute ban on meetings: therefore, it will not be possible to buy drinks or food and then consume them on the street in groups of people. It will not be a problem if two relatives (boyfriends or spouses) have to eat or consume something outside a bar. The cases that the police are called upon to monitor are those of nightlife. The game rooms and bingo halls are open from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Sport activity

There are not many changes for gyms and swimming pools, to which the already present rules are recommended: sanitation, social distancing so as not to create crowds.
