
Escalation of infections yesterday more than 15 thousand, could lead to new measures, compared to those of the dpcm on Sunday night, even if a new squeeze by the government does not currently find official confirmation. In the meantime, however, the individual Regions are on the move, according to the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, and the Minister of Health Speranza. There are already five Regions that have issued stricter anti-Covid ordinances: Campania, Lombardy, Lazio, Liguria and Piedmont. But others could be added in the next few hours. Today in the Chamber, Prime Minister Conte recalled that “many Regions have already taken steps to promote the procedure to achieve more restrictive measures than those contained in the Prime Minister’s Decree.” Let’s see what the current measures are.
In Piedmont led by Alberto Cirio at the moment only the closing of shopping centers on weekends. No curfew planned for now: “The measures currently in force – the Region explained yesterday – were adopted last night with the latest ordinances that provide rigorous but surgical measures to strike where the encounter is real, that is, school transport and areas of large shopping centers. It is not, for Therefore, a generalized bloc, if not focused and then integrated by mayors when necessary. Any other restriction will be taken into account depending on the evolution of the epidemiological framework. ”As of October 26, the obligation that the classes from second to fifth year of high school, follow distance learning for at least 50% of the days, alternating with attending the classroom.
In Lazio, the curfew is in effect from tomorrow and starts at midnight. It will be necessary to show the police the completed self-certification form, to justify the movements during the hours when circulation is prohibited. Naturally, you are allowed to return to your home, residence or residence.
In Liguria there is the prohibition of total assembly throughout the Region since Monday. Giovanni Toti’s president explained the decision as follows: “We forbid people to stay in groups, citizens need the utmost rigor in their behavior,” he added. In addition, “as regards schools, starting next Monday, we ask the regional leadership to switch to distance education for all secondary school students, except the first one, for at least 50% of the students. In other words, in full autonomy from the school, we ask them to rotate between distance learning and face-to-face teaching. ”The galleries are open from 5:00 to 18:00, while clubs and cultural centers must close at 24:00.
In Campania, in addition to the curfew, even tougher measures have been established: Interprovincial travel is also prohibited.. Starting tomorrow October 23, citizens must obtain a self-certification that proves the need to travel through the region. Curfew here also from 11 pm to 5 am Schools are closed until October 30.
In Lombardy the curfew from 11pm to 5am. During these hours, travel will be prohibited, except in ‘exceptional’ cases, that is, for reasons of health, work and demonstrated need. In addition, shopping centers have been closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Grocery stores and pharmacies are excluded from the squeeze. A similar measure could also be ordered at the national level.
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