Coronavirus, 690 new positives in Liguria and increase in deaths: 17 more deaths


Genoa. am 690 the new positives today in Liguria, compared to 5,039 swabs done in the last 24 hours. Most of those infected are in the territory of Genoa. Increase in deaths: 17 deaths are recorded, almost all in Genoa. The number of hospitalized is decreasing.

This is the detail of the new positives:

ASL 1:51
24 contacts confirmed case
27 screening activities

ASL 2:42
19 contact confirmed case
22 screening activities
29 social and health sector
1 return from the trip

ASL 3: 514
278 confirmed case contact
206 screening activities
29 social and health sector
1 return from the trip

ASL 4:18
8 contact confirmed case
10 screening activities

ASL 5:65
29 contact confirmed case
36 screening activities

The death toll has almost doubled compared to yesterday, which is 17 on the last day: 4 in San Martino, 9 in Villa Scassi, one in Galliera, one for Sestri Levante, Sarzana and Savona. Apart from a 55-year-old man who died in Villa Scassi, the age of today’s victims is between 76 and 95 years old.

Even as a result the deaths are counted 4 fewer hospitalized, currently 574 in all of Liguria, 34 of which are in intensive care (3 more than yesterday). The busiest is San Martino (180 patients, 12 in intensive care), followed by Villa Scassi (97, of which 7 in intensive care) and Galliera (93 of which 5 in intensive care). In Gaslini 21 other non-serious patients.

Compared to yesterday they are 642 people are currently positive in Liguria, which are at 9.002. Almost all (5,849) reside in the province of Genoa. In all of Liguria there are 5,250 people under active surveillance.
