in the province of Catania there are 211


The contagion curve in Sicily continues to rise: 796 new cases have been discovered in Sicily in the last 24 compared to 7,732 swabs performed. There were 8 new deaths and 98 recovered. There are 6 new admissions to intensive care, while 588 people remain hospitalized, 23 more than yesterday. The subdivision of cases by province is as follows: Palermo is the most affected with 351 new cases, followed by Catania with 211. Messina 47, Trapani 60, Siracusa 24, Ragusa 49, Enna 7, Caltanissetta 28, Agrigento 19. The number of the positives currently amount to 8,540 and 7,863 people are in home isolation. These are the data provided today by the Ministry of Health on the situation of the coronavirus in Sicily today, October 22, 2020.

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