positive partner, he locked himself in the house waiting for the swab, but no one appears


Closed at home waiting for a swab, after 2 reports and three reminders to the Local Health Authority, with no one answering or doing anything.

It is the story of two boys who live together who on October 8 discover the symptoms of Covid19 for one of the two and a week later, positivity through a swab. They are both locked in the house waiting for the other child to be cleaned.

“Obviously, since we live together, I also decide to isolate myself at home. We immediately called the toll-free number 800.636363 to report it after we have also communicated it to our respective general practitioners, and from there since Thursday 15 we have been locked up at home without any communication – one of the two young people writes to Perugia Today – Until today 22 de October, after two reports and three reminders that I have not yet had a swab, despite having symptoms and some contact with a positive.

The tampon and home insulation situation is definitely in trouble. Several GPs, while prescribing swabs and tests, acknowledge that there are delays and bottlenecks.

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“This situation is not normal! Because I could easily leave my house and infect anyone – continues the reader in his outburst – Obviously with my head on my shoulders, I decide to stay home and wait for that call that will never come. We are trapped in the house and alone ”. Think about grocery shopping, absence from work. “We no longer know what to do and how to behave. We are not going to work, nobody listens to us and they are turning us around. Help us, thank you ”.
