operational as of Friday, October 23. It’s the number 83


It has been approved the ordinance that establishes the night curfew in Campania from 11 pm to 5 am the next morning from Friday October 23. The Campania Region broadcast it on its official channels, obtained the green light from the Ministry of the Interior and after the definitive signature of the president Vincenzo De Luca. The ordinance is number 83 of October 22, 2020. The purpose of the law is to counteract the spread of the Covid-19 contagion in the area by decreasing the possibility of gatherings in the area, particularly in nightclubs and restaurants. In Campania, unfortunately, since September there has been an escalation of infections in an exponential progression. The number of infected people is increasing the number of hospitalized with the consequent saturation of available beds.

The curfew order follows those that require the use of masks even during the day and those that block travel between the Campania provinces. In summary: this provision provides stop to travel from 23:00 to 05:00; those who work in commercial, social and recreational activities are obliged to return home before 11:30 p.m.

The curfew ordinance in Campania (Pdf)

1. With effect of October 23 and until November 13, 2020 and in any case until the adoption of a next Decree of the Prime Minister: it is mandatory to close all commercial, social and recreational activities on the schedule of the Campania Regional Council 23.00 to 5.00 the next day.

  1. The clients of the establishments that carry out the activities indicated in the first period (commercial, social and recreational, ed.) They must return to their home, residence or residence before 11:30 p.m.
  2. without prejudice to the provisions of letter a) above, from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., only trips motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or urgency or health reasons are allowed. It is always allowed to return home, residence or residence from the place of work;
  3. for the whole day It is prohibited to travel from the province of domicile, residence or residence in the regional territory to other provinces of Campania. Only movements motivated by proven needs of work, family, school, training or social welfare or situations of need or urgency or health reasons are allowed, limited to the interested party and a companion, if necessary. In any case, it is allowed to return to the home, residence or residence from the workplace.

2. The proof of the existence of the situations that allow the possibility of moving rests with the interested party. This burden can be met by submitting a self-declaration in accordance with art. 46 and 47 of the DPR December 28, 2000, n. 445. The subjects referred to in letter a) are also required to show specific documentation (for example, payment receipt, entrance ticket, similar qualifications) that proves the self-certified reason.

3. Except as provided in this provision, current state and regional regulations remain valid on the effective date of this provision.

4. In accordance with the provisions of article 2 of Decree Law No. 33/2020, reconverted with modifications by Law No. 74 of July 14, 2020, unless the act constitutes a crime other than the one referred to in article 650 of the criminal code, violations of the provisions of this Ordinance are punishable by payment, through an administrative penalty, in accordance with the provisions of article 4, paragraph 1, of the decree-law of March 25, 2020, n. 19, converted with amendments to Law 35 of 2020 and subsequent amendments.In cases where the offense is committed in the exercise of a business activity, the accessory administrative penalty is also applied. the closing of the business or activity from 5 to 30 days. For the verification of violations and the reduced payment, article 4, paragraph 3, of decree-law n. 19 of 2020. The sanctions for violations of the measures ordered by the state authorities are imposed by the Prefect. Sanctions for violations of the measures ordered by regional and local authorities are imposed by the authorities that ordered them.
