the Elections USA 2020 that will take place on November 3 are, as usual, one of the topics most covered by the international media in recent months.
The outcome of the challenge between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, full of twists, investigations and bitter electoral confrontations, will in fact have repercussions worldwide given the importance of United States on the international geopolitical chessboard.
To better understand the consequences of each other’s victory, it is necessary to analyze the political promises of both competitors in the event of a White House election.
So let’s find out what Donald Trump’s electoral program with regard to some crucial issues, such as managing COVID-19 and the health care, he economic and fiscal objectives, strategies foreign policy and, finally, its approach towards civil rights, ambient me Justice.

Donald Trump’s Program: Covid-19 and Healthcare
Certainly, there was no shortage of controversies over the management of the Covid-19 pandemic since Donald trump.
The president’s attitude towards the virus has been criticized on more than one occasion by the international scientific community and the Democratic Party, which accused him of having downplayed the dangers of contagion on more than one occasion.
In addition, despite the fact that Trump himself and his wife Melania have contracted the coronavirus in recent weeks, this has not changed their strategy much in this regard.
The communication that the Republican leader is implementing together with his staff aims to convince voters that the response to the pandemic crisis has been sufficient and, at the same time, has saved America a economic disaster which could have been caused by the adoption of overly restrictive measures.
Trump has tried to speed up the timing of the vaccine’s distribution, hoping he could activate it before the election and claim it as his victory. Target not met, as the most optimistic forecasts foresee the development of the drug not before the end of the year.
Regarding federal health policies, the current White House tenant had already promised in 2016 abolish Obamacare, the program launched by its predecessor Barack Obama expand access to health care to more people.
However, in his four years in office, during which he had set the goal of returning to a system based on the private sector, theAffordable Care Act it is still in operation, having not approved a new bill in this regard.
Economy and taxes
Unlike the tradition of Republican PartyTrump’s performance on economic policies was characterized by various measures in favor of protectionism, especially with respect to products imported from China, in which he raised the 10% customs duty.
In the event of re-election, he announced a further tightening of trade relations with Beijing.
For home economics, The Donald promised to give workers a minimum pay of $ 15 per hour and the obligation of pharmaceutical companies to produce drugs that guarantee less margin, but that are considered essential for the population.
Regarding the tax system to adopt, in 2017 Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which lowered tax rates in companies from 35% to 21%, bringing only in 2018 a $ 17 billion tax savings American millionaires.
Foreign policy
The famous motto “America firstIt was the focus of foreign policy of the Trump administration from 2016 to 2020, characterized by less involvement in international affairs, along with thawing of relations with Russia and, in particular, the North Korea.
Rather, they are Tensions with Cuba, Iran and Venezuela have increased, while cooling relations with the‘European Union. In this perspective, many even raise the hypothesis of a dismissal of the United States from NATO in case of re-election.
He finally announced that he was ready to withdraw troops present in Afghanistan, abandoning the mission started by George W. Bush in 2001.
Justice, civil rights and the environment
“Law and orderIt’s Donald Trump’s favorite motto on justice. An approach taken towards drug traffickers, but also the organization Black lives matter, repeatedly defined as violent and criminal, towards which he has developed a zero tolerance line.
Sui civil rights embraced the most conservative line of the party, declaring himself against abortion even in the case of rape, prevent transgender people from entering the military and make penalties for crimes of sex discrimination more flexible.
To conclude on the topic of the environment, Trump denies climate change. This will soon bring America abandonment of the Paris climate accords. Therefore, Trump has no plans to implement any eco-sustainable economic development policy.