Italy is preparing for one new gradual closure. The situation of the epidemic greatly frightens the governors and the different mayors of the cities who try to take cover interrupting the contagion machine with ad hoc measures that toughen the regulations imposed by the new Prime Minister’s Decree signed by the Prime Minister.
Although the possibility of a new general confinement such as the one we experienced last March is a possibility avoided by all, Prime Minister Conte, during his press conference, recalled that it is necessary cope with the increase in new infections that is not only affecting our country but all of Europe.
We now await new data related to infections, which could involve other restrictions, meanwhile the curfew and theself certificazone, as during the last acute phase of the pandemic. Instead, the government called for cutting unnecessary travel.
National measures
With a decree, the government has imposed the obligation of always wear a mask in all open and closed places regardless of keeping the safety distance. Also ininside their housesIf there are people present who do not belong to your family unit, it is necessary to wear protective equipment.

The new Decree of the Prime Minister also gives the possibility to mayors of close streets and squares where gatherings are created. More grips were also imposed for the catering business, for which time limits have been set for openings and a maximum number of people seated at the same table. Also prohibited festivals, fairs and congresses. As to didactic things the lessons will remain present, except for specific ordinances. the bingo and betting rooms They must close no later than 9:00 p.m. and amateur sports activities are prohibited. Some regional governors wanted to toughen these measures with specific ordinances, also imposing the curfew wave mobility block, a decision that could now be extended by the government to the entire national territory.
Campania: stop mobility between provinces
The iron fist of Governor De Luca continues, who has always taken the path of prudence in managing the health emergency. With the publication of two new ordinances, the president of the Region Campania has imposed very strict prevention measures that also include it stop mobility.
Specifically, Campania residents will no longer be able to move between the different provinces of the region unless such movements are demonstrated by specific work, health or family needs. Arzano, in the province of Naples, was declared Red zone and nobody can enter or leave the municipality. There face-to-face teaching remains suspended for elementary and secondary schools. The order signed by De Luca will remain in effect until October 30.
Lombardy: curfew from 11pm
The Lombardy It is once again the region most affected by the coronavirus, so much so that only yesterday the 4,000 new infections were exceeded. It is precisely for this reason that Governor Attilio Fontana has published a new ordinance that will be valid until November 13, 2020.
With the new document, the curfew throughout the region from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day, with which all unjustified journeys for work reasons or proven needs are prohibited. During the weekend, the stores within the malls They will have to lower the shutters, except for the power ones.

As to didactic things, the ordinance establishes that: “Second-grade secondary schools and second-grade vocational training institutions must carry out their activities through distance education for the whole class, if the conditions already exist and except for any special educational need”.
Liguria: reduction of classroom teaching
With a special ordinance, effective until November 13, the Region Liguria has ordered the distance education alternate with attendance of at least 50% in all upper secondary schools, with the exception of freshmen.
Across the region, Governor Toti also ordered the absolute ban on meetings as well as that of public and private events. Activities in gambling halls, betting halls and bingo halls are allowed from 5 to 18.
too cultural and social centers and recreational game clubs they will have to closeWhile bar and restaurant services are allowed only from 5 to 24. It is also forbidden to consult newspapers and play cards within the centers and clubs.
Piedmont: closed shopping centers
the Piedmont, with a special ordinance valid until November 13, establishes that schools from October 26 must resort to “organizational flexibility measures“, For 50% of the total lessons, alternating Then in classroom lessons of the ways of distance education.
Governor Cirio, like Fontana, also ordered the closure of shopping centers on weekends, viewing them as places where dangerous gatherings can form. The president of Piedmont would like to avoid the possibility of introducing curfews in the region, which at most, he specifies, could only affect the nightlife areas of Turin.
Lazio: curfew from midnight
Also in Lazio a curfew at the regional level that will come into force on Friday, October 23 and will have valid for 30 days. Starting next weekend, therefore, all movements that are not justified by work or health needs will be prohibited from midnight to 5 in the morning.
News also for schools, in which the presence of students will be reduced. In elementary and secondary schools the attendance of the students to the classroom will be reduced by 50% with the exception of first-year students, while in the 75% university, with the exception of freshmen.