New Covid ordinance in Campania: this is what happens from tomorrow


Tomorrow, Friday, October 23, the new provisions contained in ordinance number 82 signed by President Vincenzo De Luca, will become executive in Campania. It is essentially a single measure, namely that relating to the prohibition of interprovincial travel except for valid reasons (health, work): therefore, self-certification returns to Campania; citizens must have a sheet that certifies the need for the movements to be made. He writes it Valerio Papadia on

The text of the ordinance reads: “With effect from October 23, 2020, in order to contain the risks of contagion related to mobility in the territory, the citizens of Campania are prohibited from moving from the province of residence or domicile habitual to other provinces of Campania, without prejudice to trips related to needs, the occurrence of which will be self-certified under personal responsibility, in accordance with Presidential Decree 445/2000, in relation to:
– health reasons;
– proven business reasons;
– proven family reasons;
– school reasons and / or related to training activities and / or social assistance;
– other reasons of urgent need.
In any case, it is allowed to return to the residence or habitual residence.

Ordinance number 82 does not contain any reference to the so-called curfew. It is known, however, that the request was made by De Luca to the Government, of which the ok. Therefore, an ad hoc provision is expected in the next few hours that, from 23 October, will limit circulation in Campania: the shops will close from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day.

Coronavirus, the measures already in force
However, some provisions contained in Ordinance number 82 of the Campania Region have already entered into force. With the new ordinance, Governor De Luca has extended the closure of all schools in the area “except for activities aimed at students with disabilities, or with autism spectrum disorders, which can be carried out in the presence of an evaluation of the specific conditions of the context on the part of the school ”.

In addition, the ordinance also establishes a red zone in Arzano, in the province of Naples, which came into force last night, after some 200 cases of Coronavirus were found in the town of the province of Naples.
