2-week hypothesis lock


Italy is today in a different situation than in March ”. The decisions taken in recent months “allow us for the moment to avoid generalized and generalized closures throughout the national territory.” Talk to the Senate, Giuseppe Conte. He asks to limit travel but in addition to defending the government line contained in the dpcm on Sunday night, he makes it clear that no other measures or new dpcm are planned shortly, although he does not rule out interventions in the coming weeks if the positives do not fall. They range from the early closure of public establishments to a national closure of a few weeks (some hypothesize two) to reduce infections, to the massive use of distance education in rotation, at least in secondary school.

Covid, Sabino Cassese: “Instead of deciding, the government is negotiating, but Healthcare needs coordination”

Covid, Galli’s infectious disease specialist: “We will reach a curfew throughout Italy, with thousands of cases impossible to follow up”

In the corridors of the Ministry of Health, where more rigorous interventions have been strongly invoked for days, there are those who comment: we will see on Saturday or Sunday if the nerves remain just as strong. What will happen if the growth rate of infections is similar to the last few weeks? Let us take Tuesday as a reference: yesterday there were 15,199 positives (it goes without saying that there have never been so many), 127 deaths and we reached 926 patients in intensive care; a week ago there were 7,332 43 deaths and 539 patients in intensive care; on Tuesday two weeks ago they had 3,678 new cases, 31 deaths and 337 patients in the ICU. Of course, the swabs performed are many more, in short: every week the new cases double, this means that on Tuesday we will find 30 thousand new positives and at least 1,200-1,300 patients in intensive care. In summary: already between Saturday and Sunday if Italy found more than 20 thousand cases in 24 hours, measures such as the national closure or the tightening of gyms and swimming pools could gain strength. In this stormy sea, in addition, the indications of the Scientific Technical Committee are expected, but yesterday afternoon an internal clarification session was held, because the division on Sunday on the opinion of gyms and swimming pools left its mark. For this reason, scientists now want clarification with Prime Minister Conte, to better define his role.
“The provisions approved three days ago have not yet entered into force!”, They say from Palazzo Chigi. When presenting the measures, it was Conte himself on Sunday night who spoke of “a week” before seeing the first effects of the restrictions. The fact is that the government is actually putting pressure on the regions to proceed independently with restrictive measures depending on the progress of the virus. The first to do so was Campania, followed by Piedmont, Lombardy and Lazio with Nicola Zingaretti who yesterday signed the ordinance that imposes the curfew after midnight. Each president has communicated the measures he intends to adopt to the Ministry of Regional Affairs of Francesco Boccia and coordinates them with the Ministry of the Interior of Luciana Lamorgese and their respective prefects. Mobility between regions was also discussed yesterday at the Viminale, but the closures have not yet been authorized. In addition to authorizing and supporting this regional “do it yourself”, Conte has no intention of going, at least for now. A position that not everyone agrees in the government, although no one now dares to express perplexity, while the opposition attacks and Pier Ferdinando Casini asks to establish “a permanent table of majority and opposition” in which to confront. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, continues to be among the most concerned. In their support is Minister Dario Franceschini with his colleague from Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, increasingly convinced of the need to close. On the opposite front, in support of the thesis that it is necessary to “protect health but also the economy”, as Conte said in the Chamber, ministers Patuanelli and Gualtieri and also the owner of Sport Spadafora who continues to defend possible gyms and sports halls. closures.

Last updated: 09:47

