Umbria, two patients who died after the positive virus. “Maximum proximity to families”


The two people who died, in the last hours, after the positivity for Covid19 in Umbria, according to the regional working group, they must be attributed as official residence in Foligno. However, at the moment, the company Usl Umbria 2 has only reported one death at the Folignate hospital. This is an 84-year-old patient, already hospitalized in the Covid area.

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The woman was taken to the hospital due to a clinical picture already compromised and aggravated by the Coronavirus infection. The newsletter reads as follows: The 84-year-old suffered from pre-existing chronic diseases. The management of the health company and the medical management of the hospital express their deepest condolences to the family ”.

Coronavirus, health bulletin for October 21: 350 new positives, two deaths
