Two new ordinances relating to the territory of Lombardy will enter into force tomorrow, Thursday, October 22 and at least until Friday, November 13.
The first ordinance, signed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in agreement with the President of the Region, Attilio Fontana, in agreement with the mayors of the provincial capitals and the metropolitan city, establishes the limitation to travel from 11 p.m. to 5 p.m. Proven work needs or situations of need or urgency or health.
The second ordinance orders new restrictive measures and bears the signature of Governor Attilio Fontana in agreement with the mayors. In summary, the ordinance establishes limitations on the opening of large sales structures and shopping centers on weekends; measures to avoid overcrowding at food and beverage outlets and at retail outlets; ban on community fairs and festivals. In relation to the ordinance already in force since October 16, it was also decided that local, provincial and regional competitions and amateur contact sports competitions remain suspended. On the other hand, individual training can be carried out provided that contagion prevention measures are observed, secondary schools must carry out their activities from October 26 in order to ensure the full development of distance learning for the classes. through distance learning. A series of anti-crowd measures are also planned.
- as of October 26 in schools Lombard Superior Distance Learning and Staggered Admissions;
- It is prohibited to consume alcohol in public areas, including parks, gardens and villas open to the public;
- it is forbidden to serve outdoor bars from 6 to 5 in the morning, only home delivery is allowed;
- after 6 pm in Lombardy on sale of alcohol it will be allowed in supermarkets and wine bars that, however, do not supply. On the other hand, the take away sale of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited in all types of food and beverage outlets from 6 to 5. Only home delivery is allowed;
- confirmed times for restaurants me Pub: until 11pm it can be consumed sitting at the table, until 6pm it can be consumed at the counter;
- for restaurants there is a “six per table“but the partners and relatives are not counted in this number;
- Closed shopping centers Saturdays and Sundays except businesses that sell food products, pet food and products, cosmetic and personal hygiene products, household hygiene products, plants and flowers and “related accessory products”, as well as pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists and monopoly resellers .
- all competitions and sports competitions suspended, fans will be able to train individually;
- from 11.00 pm to 5.00 am only the next day displacements motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or urgency or for health reasons;
- you are allowed to return to your home, residence or residence;
- a new self-certification is foreseen for those who need to travel after 23:00;
- Penalties of 400 to 3,000 euros are foreseen.
L ‘self certification It will be very similar to the one used from March to May and it will be necessary to indicate:
- your name and last name
- your contact details
- the reason you leave home after 11pm
Curfew in Lombardy: the text of the ordinance
In detail, the order signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza establishes that throughout the territory of the Lombardy Region, from 23.00 to 5.00 the next day, only movements motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or urgency or for health reasons are allowed; in any case, the return to the home, residence or residence is allowed.
Self certification. The existence of the situations that allow the possibility of circulation corresponds to the interested party. This burden can be met by submitting a self-declaration in accordance with art. 46 and 47 of the DPR December 28, 2000, n. 445 “.
“The provisions of this ordinance – the text continues – produce their effects from the date of October 22, 2020 and are effective until the adoption of a subsequent decree by the President of the Council of Ministers and, in any case, until October 13 November 2020. Compliance with the measures referred to in this ordinance is sanctioned, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4 of decree-law n. 19/2020 “.
“The provision – says the ordinance – follows’ the evolution of the epidemiological situation, the particularly widespread nature of the epidemic and the increase in cases in the national territory ‘and in consideration of the fact that’ the Covid Indicators Commission of the Region of Lombardy He stressed that as of October 31 – according to the curve of recent days – it is plausible that there are on average 594 (range of 434 to 815) hospitalized in intensive care and up to 4,000 not in intensive care.
What closes, what remains open: the ordinance
Instead, the order signed by Fontana and the mayors establishes that “Those responsible and organizers of economic and social activities plan the same to guarantee compliance by the public, clients and users of the provisions of the Ordinance of the Minister of Health of agreement with the President of the Region of October 21, 2020.
Closing of shopping centers. Restrictions on the opening of large commercial structures and shopping centers on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays the closure of large commercial structures as well as retail stores within shopping centers is agreed. The provision referred to in the previous period does not apply to the sale of food products, as well as to pharmacies and parapharmacies and other categories of products. It is mandatory for both retailers and food and beverage outlets to place a sign at the entrance of the place indicating the maximum number of people admitted to the place at the same time, according to protocols and guidelines. in force. These businesses must adopt access rules, depending on the characteristics of the premises, to avoid crowds and ensure the maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation between customers. In particular, medium and large sales structures must guarantee the provisions of the previous period, giving priority, when possible, to the methods (app, internet, etc.) to reserve access to the business ”.
Instead they stay open, including on Saturdays and Sundays, stores that sell:
- food products,
- pet food and products,
- cosmetic and personal hygiene products,
- household hygiene products,
- plants and flowers and related accessory products.
- pharmacies, drugstores and tobacconists.
CD is prohibited exhibitions of communities and festivals referred to, respectively, in letters f) and g), section 2 of art. 16 of Regional Law 6/2010 that are held in a public space, thus excluding from this prohibition all fairs in accordance with art. 121 of the same Regional Law 6/2010 that are developed in specific exhibition areas. Amendments to Ordinance No. 620 of October 16, 2020).
As to anti-crowd measures, it is specified that “The activities of food and beverage outlets in public and private areas (including, by way of example, bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops, steakhouses, pizzerias, kiosks, mobile bars) are allowed from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., with consumption at the table, and with a maximum of six people per table (partners and spouses are not counted in this number), and until 6:00 p.m. in the absence of consumption in With the closure of public establishments At the established time, any administration to the clients present must be stopped and the premises must be evacuated.Catering with home delivery is always allowed, complying with hygienic-sanitary regulations for both packaging and transport, as well as, until 23.00 hours, catering with takeout or drive-through mode, with prohibition of consumption in situ or in the immediate vicinity. The order then provides for the closing “from 6:00 p.m. the so-called ‘h24’ vending machines that distribute packaged food and beverages, overlooking the public highway; this measure does not apply to vending machines for milk, dairy products and water. “
The prohibitions referred to in the previous points “do not apply to food and beverage outlets on the motorway, ring road and airport network.”
The ordinance also prohibits “the consumption of food and beverages in areas open to the public from 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. The consumption of alcoholic beverages of any strength is always prohibited in public areas, including parks, gardens and villas open to the public.”
Statutory auditors “may adopt new restrictive measures, also in relation to the absolute prohibition of meetings, and they must guarantee maximum cooperation to verify compliance with these measures.”
Regarding amateur contact sports, “all recognized competitions and competitions of regional, provincial or local interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee (Coni), the Italian Paralympic Committee (Cip) and their respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines , are suspended. Sports promotion bodies, in relation to contact sports identified with the provision of the Minister of Sports of October 13, 2020 and which carry out associations and amateur clubs “.
All clubs and associations of amateur contact sports can carry out training and sports training individually, provided that there is absolute guarantee that, by the clubs and associations themselves, the measures to prevent contagion are observed, including continuous respect of interpersonal distances of at least two meters. “Regarding preventive measures in relation to school activities, the ordinance establishes that” upper secondary schools and upper secondary vocational training institutions must carry out their activities in a manner to ensure, as of October 26, the full development of distance learning for classes, if they are already in a position to do it and without prejudice to special educational needs. The other institutes are recommended to implement the technical-organizational conditions as soon as possible, for the development of distance education. Laboratory activities can continue to be carried out in the presence ”.
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The ordinance also recommends “that the directors of the schools organize and differentiate the school accesses; for this the territorial offices (Uat), in conjunction with the regional offices of schools (Usr), ensure close coordination with the Tpl and the mayors of the reference areas.