The surprise of stopping high school classes


If until yesterday, Tuesday, October 20, the institutes of the province of Bergamo could breathe a sigh of relief after the meeting in the Prefecture that ensured the maintenance of the timetable decided in the summer with double entry shifts (although with the addition of a greater distance education), now secondary schools have returned to chaos.

All the careful, complicated and difficult decisions regarding the management of entries and exits (carefully reasoned with numerous meetings with those responsible for local public transport), the replacement of desks and the division of teaching hours between distance and presence disappear.

Or at least it will be until November 13.

The last regional ordinance approved it
which obliges upper secondary education centers and upper secondary vocational training institutions to carry out their activities to guarantee, as of October 26, the full development of distance learning for classes, if they are already in conditions of perform it and subject to any special educational need. The other institutes are recommended to implement the technical-organizational conditions as soon as possible, for the development of distance education.

Therefore, a warning is given, the technical time to manage the imminent situation, necessary, as indicated in the ordinance, to fully stop the return of a phase two of the Covid pandemic.

A time that, in the first wave of the emergency, had not occurred: thus leaving directors, teachers and students to remodel the entire school without guidelines and in total darkness.

Now the situation is different: the school world may be better prepared to face this new challenge. In the hope that we will soon say goodbye to technology-filtered teaching.
