Extraordinary competition for the role mentioned in DD n. 510 of April 23, 2020 and DD n. 783 of July 8, 2020: on the eve of the first day of tests (they will continue until November 16), we learned the news of a first response from Lazio TAR to a teacher’s request for a possible complementary test due to not being able to participate in the cause of Covid.
According to ADNkronos, the TAR of Lazio recognized the possibility of scheduling complementary tests for teachers who will not be able to attend the tests due to being blocked by the health emergency.
The news agency reports what is indicated in the Presidential Decree
“…. Considering that the conditions referred to in Article 56 are not met, since, as is constantly verified, the failure to grant the requested monochromatic measures does not in any way prejudice the effects, including the reparative ones, of an eventual collegiate precautionary reception order, having considered that the administration in the timely execution of the same is obliged to carry out a complementary session of the competition tests in which the current applicant could not participate … ”.
The operating instructions of the Ministry
We do not know what effects and if there will be any effect derived from this precautionary resolution. Tomorrow, meanwhile, the tests will begin, according to the schedule set by the Ministry and, based on the operational instructions issued today “Failure to attend on the day, place and time established, even if it is unforeseen or force majeure, entails the exclusion from the procedure. “
This is the new model of self-declaration issued by the Ministry, with the update to the latest indications from the Ministry of Health
Until yesterday, the request for additional tests found the number of Minister Azzolina, which refers to the opinion issued by the Public Function on the occasion of the entrance tests to Medicine.