
First day of application of the Dpcm and the consequent circular of the Ministry of Education for Italian secondary schools.
As of today, in fact, where there are critical situations, greater forms of flexibility can be adopted in secondary schools, with the children entering school no earlier than 9 a.m. and a greater use of education. from distance.
New DPCM, High Schools: 9am admission only in critical situations. NOTE Ministry [PDF]
The novelties must occur prior communication to the Ministry of Education by the regional, local or health authorities of critical situations and of special risk referred to specific territorial contexts.
As for kindergarten, elementary school, and lower secondary school, nothing changes.
The provisions of the Regions
Meanwhile, some Regions are taking action. As of Monday in Ligurian secondary schools it will be possible to establish, in addition to the first classes, methods of distance learning in rotation for 50% of the students.
Also in Piedmont, the Region introduces the obligation for high school grades two through five to follow digital distance learning for at least 50% of the days, alternating with classroom attendance.
In Lombardy, secondary education and second-degree training institutions must program integrated education in presence and distance to carry out, within the reference time frame of the Ordinance (that is, until 6 November next), a quota of distance education of approximately 50%.
In some regions, such as Sardinia, Tuscany, Puglia itself, transport companies are preparing for an increase in vehicles and trips for schools.
In Campania, it will be decided in the next few hours whether the reopening of primary schools will be authorized from Monday. They remain closed in the middle and upper region.
New DPCM, to empty public transport at school even in the afternoon. Conte pressing Azzolina