Coronavirus, infections increase in the workplace: who gets infected the most


In the workplace, in Italy, occurred 54 thousand almost contagion of Covid-19. This was stated by Inail through the ninth national report, prepared by the Institute’s Statistical Actuarial Consultancy and published together with the update of the in-depth information sheets on infections in the Regions.

Workplace infections on the rise again: the Inail report

After the slowdown registered at the end of the lockdown, the positives of the coronavirus in the workplace rose again in September: they are 1,919 infections detected by Inail compared to the August 31 follow-up, 792 of which occurred in the previous months and confirmed in the last report.

The decline in workplace positives starting in May, following the March-April peak, was mainly due to the period of Summer Vacation enjoyed by many professionals. But with the return to their occupations, the cases were destined to increase.

As of September 30 they are in total 54,128 Covid-19 cases disclosed by the Institute are equivalent to 17.2% compared to the total number of national infections reported by the Higher Institute of Health (Iss), concentrated mainly in the months of March (51.2%) and April ( 33.8%).

In last month’s survey, there are 16 more deaths from coronavirus, reaching height 319 related to work environments. Deaths are mainly concentrated among the mens for 84% of the cases and in the group aged 50 to 64 years (69.9%) and over 64 (19.4%), with a mean age of the deceased of 59 years. Nine out of 10 cases concern workers of Italian nationality.

Coronavirus, infections increase in the workplace: the sectors most affected

The sectors most affected are especially the health and social assistance, which includes hospitals, homes for the elderly and the elderly, university institutes, clinics and polyclinics, homes for the elderly and the disabled, with 70.3% of complaints and 21.3% of deaths. Follow thepublic administration (activities of the bodies responsible for health – Asl – and regional, provincial and municipal administrators), which represent 8.9% of the reported infections and 10.7% of the fatal cases.

Other activities involved, although to a lesser extent, are business support services (surveillance, cleaning and call center), manufacturing (including workers in the processing of chemical and pharmaceutical products, printing, food industry) and the activities of accommodation services and restoration.

Taking into account the appearance of the geographic spread, more than half of the reports sent to Inail refer to 55% in the Northwest, followed by the Northeast (24.4%), the Center (11.9%), the South (6.2%) and the Islands (2.4%).
