Published on: 10/21/2020 4:34 PM
“The evolution of the epidemiological situation has forced the adoption of new restrictive measures in the presence of a ongoing virus resurgence for a few weeks. Given the urgency, it was not possible to explain the content of the provision in advance, but I announced to the presidents of the chambers my intention to inform Parliament “about the content of the new dpcm. Thus, the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, speaking at the Senate Chamber on the measures adopted for the new phase related to the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19.
“We have never let our guard down these months“, Italy” was the first country to adopt strict measures until the closure, the most prudent even in the reopening, “the prime minister stressed.” Despite the many steps forward, we could not and should not consider ourselves a safe haven while we are at our borders, the contagion multiplied – he said – We are aware that we ask once again for sacrifices and sacrifices to the citizens“.
Conte explained that “the principles” are “always the same, they are what allowed us to face and overcome the first wave” of contagion, the principles of “adequacy and proportionality.” “The protection of health is the prerequisite for the enjoyment of all other rights. The experience of the last few months” has taught us “that the protection of health also allows the protection of the productive tissueAnd the “correction” of the decisions taken so far “that I claim as a discipline is confirmed by the economic data for this year, which are more comforting than expected.” Our economy is highly resilient. The fall in GDP is more contained than in other European partners ”.
Then school. “School activities will continue in the presence“We cannot allow one of the backbones of the country to suffer more commitments and sacrifices,” the prime minister emphasized. “We cannot leave our children” without the possibility of interpersonal relationships, said the prime minister, who also highlighted: “We currently produce 20 million masks a day, we will soon produce 30 million. We are among the few countries at the moment that distribute masks. free every day to all students. “
“With regard to social life,” he added, “the dpcm of October 13 had already provided for some limitations” such as “the prohibition of indoor or outdoor parties” with the exception of those linked to civil or religious ceremonies. Conte also recalled the “strong recommendation” to “avoid parties even in private homes”.
The prime minister also stressed that “we must all strive to limit contagion, limit unnecessary travelIf we make these sacrifices we will avoid more onerous interventions, the more rigorous the compliance with the prescriptions, the more the second wave can be contained with less sacrifice for the country. I am confident that we will have the serenity and commitment necessary to overcome “this stage too”.
“We are aware – said the Prime Minister – that some categories, I mean bars and restaurants, but not only“they are particularly impressed and” I met with the representatives of these categories after the dpcm of October 13 “, to these supply chains “I ensure the government’s commitment to specific support measures”.
To do this, in the 2021 Budget “a strategy was launched that, although it acts in the medium and long term, does not neglect immediate measures in a still critical phase: the country needs oxygen to function again.” Specifically, “in the maneuver we have contributed 4,000 million” to allocate them to “tourism, culture, entertainment” and restaurants.
And about taxes he assured: “We do not expect any tax increase. With a decree law we have foreseen a new extension of the sending of the invoices and the term within which the installments are canceled due to non-payment is ten installments and not five ”.
As for the municipalities, “we dispelled the understandable concerns expressed by mayors, who feared that they would not be able to count on adequate police forces to prepare the closures” provided for by the Prime Minister’s Decree to avoid concentrations.
“Generalized closures should be avoided throughout the national territory – he reiterated – Italy is today in a different situation than in March. Today we are more prepared, thanks to everyone’s work and sacrifice. Allow me here only to thank the health workers who are in the front row in this battle and the men and women of Civil Protection ”. The prime minister also thanked the social partners for their “responsible participation: this allowed us to define the safety conditions in the workplace.”
In the coming weeks and months “We will have to stay focused on containing the contagion, we are within the pandemic, the enemy is not defeated but still circulates among us. We must keep our attention very high, but this time strong from the experience gained last spring, therefore vigilant and prudent ”.
The premier said he was “confident that the entire national community will be able to express the seriousness, commitment and strength necessary to face and overcome the difficult challenge” of the second wave.
“In recent days and in these last hours there are some regions that have promoted the procedure to reach more restrictive measures – he recalled – The Lombardy process has ended and the Campania one is underway and we cannot exclude new updates. “.
“At the regional level, it is necessary to be willing to intervene to modulate in a more restrictive way“measures” if contagion increases. The Region can establish rules in agreement with the Minister of Health. In this phase, I believe that maximum coordination between the different levels of government is fundamental and decisive, with the collegiality of elections, which must preserve the characteristics of homogeneity and coherence, ”said Conte.
And to deal with the emergency, “the government will maintain a solid and constant dialogue with the Parliament,” from which “I gather the suggestions. The government will continue to dialogue with the representatives of the regions and local authorities, to manage together.” emergency with “a shared and responsible strategy”.
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