Transfers prohibited from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. from October 22. Complete distance learning for secondary schools. Ok to train for amateur contact sports. These are some of the measures against contagion provided for by the two new ordinances of the Lombardy Region.
“Second-grade secondary schools must carry out their activities from October 26 in order to guarantee the full development of distance learning for distance classes“: This is what has been decided in relation to the Ordinance already in force since October 16.
In the note issued by the Region, it is specified that Ordinance no. 620 of October 16, 2020 is modified, with regard to the school: “Second-grade secondary schools and second-grade vocational training institutions must develop their activity in such a way as to ensure, as of October 26, the full development of distance learning for classes, if they are already in conditions. to carry it out and without prejudice to any special educational need. The other institutes are recommended to implement the technical-organizational conditions as soon as possible, for the development of distance education. Laboratory activities can continue to be performed in the presence. It is recommended that school administrators organize and differentiate school admissions; For this, the regional offices (UAT), in conjunction with the regional offices of the schools (USR), ensure close coordination with the LPT agencies and the mayors of the reference areas.“.