The ordinance of the Campania region that limits interprovincial movements aims to “contain movement between provinces, in particular the most densely populated, to have greater control of risk in a context of epidemic curve that does not give truce at this time “. Thus, Roberta Santaniello, manager of the government offices of the Campania Region, and member of the Covid19 Crisis Unit, explains the prohibition of interprovincial mobility contained in the ordinance released tonight by the Region.
The ordinance explains that “Campania citizens are prohibited from traveling from the province of residence or habitual domicile to other provinces of Campania, except for travel related to necessities, the occurrence of which will be self-certified under personal responsibility.” The accepted reasons are “health reasons; accredited work reasons; accredited family reasons; school reasons and / or related to training and / or assistance activities; other reasons of urgent need. Returns are allowed in any case. At your residence or home usual “.
You will not be able to go to other provinces even if you have a house: if a Neapolitan citizen, for example, has a house in Cilento, he will not be able to get to it for the weekend. “Let’s think for example – explains Santaniello – in the Neapolitan interior, which has a high contagion rate and strictly limits with the province of Caserta, an area also with a high population density. A free mobilization could cause the spread of the virus from areas dense populated to other densely populated areas, creating an increase in infections ”.
For authorized movements with the reasons expressed in the ordinance, a self-certification will be required. From the Region they specify that there is no preloaded model, citizens must take a sheet and write the self-certification themselves, putting their personal data and the reason for the transfer on that date. The ordinance has no effect on travel to and from other regions. If you want to go to Rome from Naples you can do it, even if this means going through the province of Caserta. The same happens with a Roman who wanted to go to Amalfi, through the province of Naples. The ordinance is currently valid until October 30, but will likely be extended, particularly as the deadline coincides with the long bank holiday from October 30 to November 2.