Covid Basilicata Emergency. Bardi: high school closure is evaluated


As we had anticipated in the editorial of a few hours Ago, President Bardi is evaluating the possibility of activating distance education for secondary schools in Basilicata to prevent the circulation of the virus. Just yesterday he declared that everything is fine, but the upswing in positive cases in recent hours has obviously created a bit of alarm and forced the president to change his game.

Below is the full text of Bardi’s message

“Dear friends and dear friends

As predicted, we are witnessing an autumn resurgence of the pandemic. However, the numbers here in Basilicata shouldn’t worry us. The monitoring system put in place by the Working Group and the Local Health Authorities is bearing fruit.

The large number of swabs that are made is just for this. Discover the asymptomatic, those who were once called healthy carriers, and prevent the spread of the virus.

The perspective that moves us is always the same. The one of prevention.

And that is why we will soon put into operation the gift that came to us from Qatar and that we will be able to put into operation thanks to the funds that Minister Speranza has allocated here.

Once up and running, these structures will also serve to ease pressure on hospitals and the regional health system because the goal is to ensure that healthcare services for all other diseases continue safely alongside Covid.

What I would like to address to all of you is a call to a sense of responsibility, my goal is to prevent a possible total closure that would have very serious repercussions in the lives of all of us.

But to do this I need your cooperation.

I appeal to the youngest.

I understand your desire to be together. His way of fraternizing, his sociability. But what I ask, at this stage, is to have particularly cautious attitudes. Which not only consist in avoiding gatherings, but also in avoiding attitudes that may induce the spread of the virus. It is a small sacrifice that we must make to win a great battle just as we are reasoning with the school world to see if it is possible to activate distance education for schools of all levels. Even for a limited period, just to prevent the virus from circulating.

In short, their sense of discipline and respect for the rules made Basilicata one of the virtuous regions during the toughest phase of the pandemic. Now I am more convinced that the sense of responsibility of the Lucans together with the measures prepared by the city council will ensure that we will also be able to overcome this resurgence of the virus because as I have always said: “together we will do it”.

Vito Bardi, President of the Basilicata Region
