Lombardy curfew, Salvini stops Fontana: ‘Before closing I want to understand’


Curfew from 23 to 5 from Thursday October 22, only trips motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or urgency or for health reasons are allowed, in any case the return to the home, residence or residence is allowed. self-declaration to certify the movements.

Curfew in Lombardy, Room: “If the pandemic breaks out in the city, Milan cannot pay this price”

These are the measures contained in the ordinance issued today in Lombardy and signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the President of the Region, Attilio Fontana, in force until November 13, 2020.


Curfew in Lombardy, the order signed. Salvini tries to stop Fontana and sparks controversy

Other measures, such as the limitation of hours for medium and large non-food distribution stores, will be provided for by a regional ordinance scheduled for the day. “In order to counteract and contain the spread of the virus COVID – 19 – it reads in the ordinance signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the President of the Region, Attilio Fontana -, throughout the territory of the Lombardy Region, from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am the next day, only trips motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or urgency or for health reasons are allowed; in any case, it is allowed to return to your home, residence or residence. the possibility of moving rests with the interested party, a burden that can be met by making a self-declaration.

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“The provisions of this ordinance -continues- produce their effects from the date of October 22, 2020 and are effective until the adoption of a subsequent decree of the President of the Council of Ministers and, in any case, until November 13 of 2020. Breach of the measures referred to in this ordinance are sanctioned, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4 of decree-law n. 19/2020 “.

Coronavirus in Lombardy, the draft of the ordinance: “Distance education for secondary school”

“Second grade secondary schools and second grade vocational training institutions should develop their activities in a way that ensures the full development of lessons through integrated digital education (DDI), if they are already in the conditions to carry it out without prejudice to Special educational needs. It is recommended that the other institutes implement the technical-organizational conditions in the shortest possible time, for the realization of the DDI “: this is stated in the draft of the new ordinance of the Lombardy Region.

Curfew in Lombardy, large sales structures closed for the weekend

“On Saturdays and Sundays the closure of large commercial structures as well as the retail stores present in the shopping centers is agreed.” This is what we read in the draft of the second ordinance of the Lombardy Region, relative to stricter measures to contain the covid. The provision, however, “shall not apply to the sale of food, pet food and products, cosmetic and personal hygiene products, home hygiene, plants and flowers and related accessory products, as well as to pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists and monopolistic resales “.

“It is mandatory for both retail businesses and food and beverage outlets to place a sign at the entrance of the venue indicating the maximum number of people admitted at the same time in the same room, based on current protocols and guidelines “. This is what we read in the draft of the second ordinance of the Lombardy Region on measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus. These businesses must adopt access rules, based on the characteristics of the premises, to avoid meetings and ensure the maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation between customers. In particular, medium and large sales structures must guarantee the provisions of the previous period, giving priority, as far as possible, to the methods (app, internet, etc.) to reserve access to the business ”, the draft continues.
