Umbria, 350 new cases. Stable hospitalizations. Two more deaths with Covid


350 new cases of Covid-19 have been registered in Umbria in the last 24 hours: the update is at 11:53 on Wednesday, October 21. In the same time period, 3,691 swabs were made (total 262,392) and the percentage of positives in the last swabs is 9.48% (4.43% on Monday). Those cured in the last 24 hours are 68 (total 2,398) while unfortunately there are two more deaths with Covid (total 95) both related to the territory of Foligno. Based on these numbers, the current positives for the virus in Umbria are 2960 (+280). Since the beginning of the emergency, 5,453 positives (+350) have been registered.


Hospitalizations and isolations

The positive people currently hospitalized in Umbria are 172 (+2), of which 20 (unchanged) in intensive care. Thus, individual hospitals: Terni 58 hospitalizations (+1) of which 10 (unchanged) in intensive care; Perugia 51 admissions (unchanged) of which 10 (unchanged) in intensive care; Città di Castello 29 admissions (unchanged) and none in intensive care; Screen 18 admissions (-1) and none in intensive care; Foligno 16 admissions (+2) and none in intensive care. There are 4,382 (+16) people in fiduciary isolation, while 51,064 citizens have abandoned the measure so far (+592).


The new cases and the cures

According to the Region, the 350 new positives refer to the territories of Allerona (6), Amelia (1), Asís (16), Attigliano (1), Bastia Umbra (25), Bettona (1), Campello sul Clitunno (3 ), Cannara (2), Castel Giorgio (2), Castel Ritaldi (1), Castiglione del Lago (5), Città della Pieve (1), Città di Castello (1), Corciano (21), Deruta (4), Foligno (7), outside the region (9), Gualdo Cattaneo (1), Gualdo Tadino (1), Gubbio (20), Lisciano Niccone (1, first absolute case), Lugnano in Teverina (4), Magione (14 ), Marsciano (7), Montecastrilli (5), Montegabbione (1, first absolute case), Narni (10), Norcia (1), Orvieto (10), Panicale (1), Passignano sul Trasimeno (7), Perugia ( 89), Piegaro (1), San Gemini (2), San Giustino (1), Sellano (1), Spello (3), Spoleto (9), Terni (38), Todi (1), Torgiano (8), Trevi (1), Tuoro sul Trasimeno (1), Umbertide (3), Valfabbrica (2), Valtopina (1). Instead, the cures are related to Assisi (4), Bastia Umbra (4), Città di Castello (2), Corciano (6), Foligno (6), Fossato di Vico (1), Gualdo Cattaneo (2), Gubbio (1), Marsciano (1), Narni (1), Panicale (4), Passignano sul Trasimeno (1), Perugia (19), Terni (11), Trevi (2), Umbertide (3).


Current cases in Umbria

This is the image of the current cases of Covid-19 divided by municipality, according to data from the Region: Perugia 824, Terni 330, outside the region 201, Bastia Umbra 146, Corciano 135, Foligno 113, Assisi 109, Magione 101, Gubbio 91, Spoleto 78, Passignano sul Trasimeno 75, Narni 71, San Gemini 60, Marsciano 58, Castiglione del Lago 47, Umbertide 38, Deruta 36, ​​Tuoro sul Trasimeno 31, Valfabbrica and Città di Castello 26, Orvieto and Gualdo Tadino 23, Torgiano 22, Panicale 18, Spello 17, Stroncone and Gualdo Cattaneo 14, Todi and Cannara 12, San Giustino and Lugnano at Teverina 11, Bettona 10, Piegaro, Montecastrilli, Citerna and Amelia 9, Allerona 8, Preci, Montefalco, Guardea and Collazzone 7, Trevi, Massa Martana, Fossato di Vico, Città della Pieve and Arrone 6, Giano dell’Umbria, Campello sul Clitunno, Bevagna and Sigillo 5, Norcia and Montecastello di Vibio 4, Polino, Montone, Montecchio, Giove and Acquasparta 3, Valtopina, Sellano, Sant’Anatolia di Narco, Montefranco, Ferentillo, Castel Viscardo, Cast el Ritaldi, Cas tel Giorgio, Calvi dell’Umbria and Attigliano 2, San Venanzo, Porano, Pietralunga, Penna in Teverina, Paciano, Otricoli, Fratta Todina, Ficulle, Cerreto di Spoleto, Avigliano Umbro, Montegabbione and Lisciano Niccone 1.


Almost to Broletto: 3rd floor sanitation

Carlo Cipiciani, director of the area of ​​resources, programming, culture and tourism, explains what is happening in the Region: “As soon as we received the news of the positivity of a colleague in the structure of the Umbria Region, at the headquarters of Broletto in Perugia, activate the intelligent work mode for all the employee’s service personnel and disinfect the entire 3rd floor of the regional office. All operations foreseen by the current sanitary protocols and previously agreed with the competent doctor of the Region. Regarding the request for swabs to all the regional employees of the Broletto headquarters made by some representatives of the unions, it is necessary, first of all, to evaluate the application of the regulations – he adds – and of the current sanitary protocols, which refer to protect the sacrosanct right to health and therefore the consequent use of precious material and human resources that must be subjected to the necessary controls by those who really need them, in order not to slow down, if not paralyze, the work of the competent USL. Also in this case, the administration scrupulously complied with the provisions of the medical health protocols and with the instructions of the authorities in charge. The regional administration – specifies Cipiciani – since the beginning of the pandemic, in fact, it has adopted all the protection measures provided for the health of its employees. Not only have the provisions dictated by national regulations been applied with extreme rigor and in a complete manner, but even more strict and protective protocols have been signed with union representatives than those identified at the national level. It was never thought of not protecting employees, and in particular those defined as fragile, so much so that smart work was expanded in the first phase to around 90% of the workforce while, currently, the working day is witnessed in person about 30-40% of the total amount to be returned. As you can see, warning numbers that go beyond the indications contained in the dpcm that have been followed over time. The behavioral methods – he adds – within the regional offices are contained and explained in an adopted and updated regional security protocol, in accordance with the evolution of the epidemiological situation, recognizing the indications of the Hygiene and Public Health Service of Usl Umbria 1 and the competent doctor, designated by the Region (in accordance with Legislative Decree 81/2008) that regulates the methods of protection of health and safety at work. The protocol and its updates are issued by the employer for security reasons after having listened, always each time it was requested, to the ‘Committee for the application and verification of the rules of the regulatory protocol’ to which the national protocol refers. regulation of measures to combat the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace. I wanted to provide these detailed clarifications because in this particular moment of health, social and economic emergency there is no need for inaccuracies, but everyone’s applause for the many regional employees who continue to work for the community and for the operation of the regional administrative machine, in silence and with great self-denial – he concludes – among many technical-logistical inconveniences imposed by the emergency ».


Funds for IT equipment and sanitation

Double provision of the Provincial Council in school and educational matters: “With a first act – explains the commissioner Paola Agabiti – we have allocated 200 thousand euros to help students in second grade secondary schools to cover connection costs or to ” purchase of computer equipment necessary for distance education. The resources have been assigned to the institutes based on the number of enrollments and it will be the school institutions, in their autonomy, that will assign them to the students ”. The second intervention integrates “a previous resolution regarding funds for the sanitation of school structures, and also provides support for interventions in municipal school canteens and in school transport services carried out by municipalities. These interventions are also the result of the attention of the council for the children of our Region, and of the constant collaboration with the regional office of the school and with all the operators of the school world ”.

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