
Bombing of the Cagliari Financial Police
CAGLIARI. Fraud in the supply to the Region of Sardinia of ffp2 and ffp3 surgical masks, house arrest for a businessman from the peninsula who has been placed under preventive seizure of 10.8 million euros and 2.7 million masks. Fraud in public supplies: this is the crime, contested by the Cagliari Prosecutor’s Office following the investigations carried out by the Economic and Financial Police Unit of the Cagliari Financial Police.
The recipient of the benefit is the businessman Renato De Martin, 60, originally from Ottaviano in the province of Naples, but residing in Reggio Calabria, where his company Demar Hospital has its operational headquarters, while the legal one is in Rome. The operation of the Fiamme Gialle stems from the investigations, intensified in the identification of crimes related to the health contingency, focused on the acquisition, in the last month of March 2020 by the regional direction of Civil Protection of the Region of Sardinia of a supply of 4 million. pieces, including surgical masks and personal protective equipment (dpi), for a total amount of more than 18 million euros.
On the basis of the specifications, the winning company had also committed to supply the material subject to the tender, destined for hospitals in Sardinia and to meet the needs of civil protection spread throughout the territory, according to a precise schedule, which connected the payment, in several installments, of the supply. By order of the Cagliari Prosecutor, coordinator of the investigations, Fiamme Gialle has carried out, in numerous cities of the national territory, search decrees against the successful tenderer and documentary acquisitions aimed at freight forwarders, customs operators, transport companies involved in various phases of the shipment and arrival of the medical material in Sardinia, as well as the tender documentation published by the Civil Protection of Sardinia Investigations that were also aimed at tracking financial transactions between the Sardinia Region and the winning company and other subjects involved in the supply of surgical devices from a financial point of view.
To date, the results of the investigation have made it possible to detect how, despite numerous reminders made by the Civil Protection of Sardinia, the supply of PPE was not assisted by all the related required attached technical certifications and, as in some cases, in support of manufacturing goods. The Chinese certification has been used without legal validity. In some cases, in addition, non-genuine certifications were found regarding the regularity of the devices themselves and despite Inail’s refusal to commercialize the supplied devices, since they were considered not to and did not comply with the current community and national standards.
The Fiamme Gialle also found that the businessman falsely declared that he had interested the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and that he had obtained a positive assessment from it on the procedure adopted for the distribution and commercialization of the masks proposed to Civil Protection. Sardinian. All false, according to the conclusions of the financiers.
Sharing the findings of the investigation and the subsequent precautionary proposals advanced by the Public Ministry, the investigating judge of the Cagliari court therefore applied the personal and material precautionary measures on the suspect’s property. In the same context, the Public Ministry issued a decree of seizure of 2,755,800 between ffp2 and ffp3 surgical masks that do not comply with the legal requirements.