Tax evasion and abusive exercise of the medical profession, an Ayurvedic center seized


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Senigallia 10/21/2020 – Senigallia’s Guardia di Finanza concluded in recent weeks the operation “Not only yoga” which led to the discovery of an evasion of more than two million euros by an Ayurvedic center established as an “association without profit “and a farm, attributable to two Sinhalese entrepreneurs.

The investigation was initiated by the financiers hired by the Ancona Provincial Command after careful monitoring and risk analysis of the “non-profit” entities of the jurisdiction and some complaints in which some clients complained of the payment of sums of money to participate in various courses (yoga, panchakarma, fasting therapy) without issuing any tax certification.

During the military access to the facility, large “black” documentation was found inside trash cans and ready to be destroyed, such as tax receipts, estimates, patient cards, bank statements, ATM receipts. .

Thanks to the meticulous investigations of the tax police, 750 positions have been identified referring to clients who have been submitted to consultations and participated in activities carried out by the “teacher” and outlined the substantial gains achieved, which were found to have been subtracted from the tax authorities.

In the course of the investigations, after having rebuilt the business volume of the Ayurvedic center, through targeted bank checks and cross-checks made to suppliers and associates, the tax concessions that the legislator granted to “non-profit” entities were ignored and It was therefore, the activity of the association and of agrotourism in business activity has been relaunched.

Over a period of five years, the suspects would not have been able to report active transactions to the tax collector for a value of just over two million euros. Thanks to the product of the significant evasion, the entrepreneurs were able to acquire important real estate assets, used for the continuation of their activities. In addition, the personnel on duty in the Asur Vasta 2 Area – Senigallia Inspection Service, intervened in the access phase jointly with the Fiamme Gialle, having observed that various food products (flour, fruit juices, tomato juices, oil and natural cosmetic products) expired some time ago and Ayurvedic preparations and cleansing drinks of various kinds without indication of the ingredients, subject to seizure of all the products present as well as the premises intended for the preparation and conservation of the same.

The inquiries by the Tenenza military, also carried out based on data present on the suspects’ computers, made it possible to detect that within the association they were carried out by them, without any authorization and without being in the possession of any specialist. medical activities that may be dangerous to health in the presence of significant pathologies in the user.

At the end of the investigations, 2 people were reported for abusive exercise of the medical profession and tax evasion for the crimes referred to in art. 348 of the Penal Code and 5 of Legislative Decree 74/2000, punished respectively with imprisonment of up to 3 and up to 5 years and one person for participating in the crime of abusive exercise of the medical profession. The operational efforts aimed at guaranteeing security and economic legality at this particular time of health emergency attest to the attention and determination put by the Guardia di Finanza to support public health and protect economic and financial security and free competition.
