Coronavirus, pressure from the Scientific Committee: “In Milan the curfew is not enough”


Milan, October 21, 2020 – The curfew what was agreed by the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana with the mayors of the capitals, the Anci and the group leaders of the parties that sit on the Regional Council is a good first step. But for Milan it may not be enough. This is the warning issued yesterday to politics by virologists and experts, who therefore ask to think about additional measures right now. The first to intervene was Fabrizio Pregliasco, member of the Lombard Scientific Technical Committee: «The curfew is necessary because the situation is explosive – said the virologist -. The CTS had lobbied for the facility to close at 9pm or earlier. I think that blocking everything from 11pm to 5am is not quite enough for Milan, which, due to population density, job exchanges, contacts linked to the type of housing, is a more serious patient ”.

So here it is the document prepared by specialists in infectious diseases Massimo Galli (Sacco Hospital in Milan), Marino Faccini (ATS Milan) e Marco Rizzi (Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII in Bergamo). A document with an unambiguous title: “Fare soon.” “The idea of ​​a curfew, as much as you want, is a clear message to the public: stay home as long as possible, be patient for as long as possible, avoid circulating the virus as much as possible -explains Galli -. But if the 11 p.m. curfew makes sense for the entire region, there are situations where some restrictions make more sense than others. Therefore, targeted interventions must also be evaluated area by area, targeted based on different realities. Exactly the same concept expressed by Pregliasco.

And any reference to Milan and its interior is purely necessary. “We are not talking about confinements in some areas – specifies Galli -, the confinement is precisely what we want to avoid by implementing measures that take into account local specificities in an analytical way.” Worrying are the projections published by the Region on Monday and Mayor Giuseppe Sala reiterated yesterday: in the absence of measures, from now to the end of the month, in Lombardy there could be 600 people in intensive care and 4 thousand hospitalized for Covid. Yesterday in the region there were 2,023 new positives of the 21,726 swabs performed (9.3%). In the metropolitan area there were 1,054 new infections, of which 515 in Milan.

Warnings, numbers and projections that, however, have not turned off the protests of the categories affected by the curfew starting Thursday. The restorers demonstrated yesterday in front of the Palazzo Lombardia and promise an encore also in front of the Palazzo Marino. Confcommercio has already estimated millionaire losses for bars and pubs (31.4 million euros per month), restaurants (10.4 million per month) and shopping centers (13 to 59 million depending on their size). “We want to energetically reiterate that security has always been at the forefront of our facilities, from the beginning of the confinement, during which we continue to guarantee basic needs, immediately applying very strict security protocols – he emphasizes Roberto Zoia, president of the National Council of Shopping Centers -. The closure during the weekend, which represents the time of highest income, represents a 20-30% drop in weekly billing. The division between the medical-scientific world and business is now evident. And politics is in the middle, called to mediate. A fact that has led to an unprecedented exchange between the Government, the President of the Region and the mayors.
