Published on: 10/20/2020 11:25 AM
“If the final stages of preparation (the so-called ‘rolling value’) of the Oxford-Irbm Pomezia-Astrazeneca vaccine) are completed in the coming weeks, the the first doses will be available in early December “. Then the prime minister Giuseppe Conte to Bruno Vespa for the book ‘Why Italy loved Mussolini (and how it resisted the Covid dictatorship)’, which will be released on October 29 by Mondadori Rai Libri. “At the beginning we will have the first two or three million doses of the vaccine,” he added, “millions more will arrive shortly after. The European Commission has ordered Astrazeneca and other companies several hundred million doses “”.I think that to contain the pandemic completely we will have to wait until next spring anyway.“, Stressed the premier.
Quanto per month “I have never excluded access “. “These political decisions are made at the majority table after in-depth discussion. I only made a contribution to de-ideologize this issue,” Conte continued, adding: “The money needed for health can also be found differently. The Month is a debt. If we need it, it means that we will increase the deficit ”.
Vespa asks if Italy would make a bad impression by taking the Month, given that no other country has taken it so far. “I do not have my own assessment – replies the Prime Minister. – Objectively, I note that the Governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco said that, since nobody takes the Month, there would be a stigma for those who ask for it. I don’t know how to quantify this stigma. I cannot predict the reactions of the financial markets. “
Would they react well or badly? “The Sure (the European fund to finance layoffs) that everyone takes. The month no. If we were the only ones to take it, this would trigger an attention signal towards Italy ”, concludes Conte.
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