New Dpcm, gyms and swimming pools: the rules to respect not to close


With the Dpcm approved on Sunday night, the government has decided that gyms and pools they will remain open, but will be under review for a week. The structures, Premier Conte announced, will have seven days to adapt to the anti Covid-19 security protocols issued months ago, under penalty of the closure of the sector.

The aim is to respect the guidelines drawn up by the Sports Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, then declined for individual disciplines by the respective sports federations through specific application protocols.

As for the rest of sports activities, we remind you that contact sports at the amateur level are still prohibited, as well as competitions in basic amateur activity. Instead, individual activities and professional activities will be allowed.

Gyms and swimming pools, Conte’s ultimatum

“I say it frankly” said the Prime Minister at a press conference, “we have varied and contradictory news: very often protocols are respected, other times we receive news that are not respected. We will give one week to adjust protocols and verify compliance. If this happens, there will be no reason to close gyms. Otherwise, we will be forced to interrupt the activities in the gyms and swimming pools ”.
The week granted should allow for the missing adjustment. “Sports centers have shown that they are at the forefront of health protection thanks to scientifically validated safety protocols – he explains Giampaolo Duregon, President of ANIF (National Association of Sports and Fitness Facilities) -. It will be in the common interest to make those who are not up to the task yet. This week we will not rely only on the control carried out by the ASL: we will activate a tough internal evaluation to the Association. We ourselves will do a closed campaign: it would be incalculable damage if for a few they paid more ”.

Gyms and swimming pools: a week to adapt

The Italian Federation of Sports Medicine confirms what was announced by Prime Minister Conte. Gym and swimming pool activities are still allowed, but “in accordance with the rules of social distancing and without any meeting, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Office of Sport, after consulting the Italian Sports Medical Federation.” Structures, like enclosed spaces, must therefore follow detailed rules. Ideal for outdoor training areas.

The reservation to access

As is already the case for many public establishments, accessing gyms will be reservation required. Registration is required at the entrance, communicating name, surname, address, telephone number and, where appropriate, the number of the identity document. A necessary measure to ensure follow-up in case of infections. The gyms will keep the lists for two weeks.

Mask movements

Access will be regulated to avoid conditions of assembly and aggregation. Body temperature can be detected, preventing access in case of temperature higher than 37.5 ° C. To move around the structure, with a mandatory mask, alternate paths are required from right to left in the corridors, to and from the changing room .

How to organize the changing rooms

Changing rooms, bathrooms and showers must be frequently disinfected and organized in a way that guarantees distance between athletes. It will be possible to use special separation barriers between one shower tray and another or between the seats. In any case, access must be regulated and a distance of at least 1 meter must be guaranteed. To avoid crowds in the changing rooms, you may be asked to come with your training gear already.
All clothing and personal items must be placed inside the personal bag, even if they are deposited in the appropriate lockers; It is recommended not to allow mixed use of lockers and to have bags available to store personal effects.

Safety distances

Flows, waiting spaces, access to different areas, the positioning of tools and machines must be regulated to guarantee the safety distance: o at least 1 meter for people who don’t exercise, or at least 2 meters during physical activity.

Gyms: machinery always sanitized

Equipment supplied with gyms should be spaced and sanitized after each use. Athletes may not move within two meters of other people and must be careful to disinfect their hands with special disinfectants each time the machine is used.
the group lessons They will only be allowed when the size of the rooms allows it. Sharing bathrobes, towels, soaps or bottles of water is prohibited. Clothes cannot be hung on benches, but must be kept in lockers, regularly disinfected, and kept in their own bag.

The rules of the pool

As for private training, or free swimming, a distance of at least 7 square meters per person. Users must register at the entrance. In changing rooms, swimming pools must respect the same precautions as gyms. Shower after swimming, but also before entering the water, and with soap. It is forbidden to blow your nose, spit and urinate in the bathtub. Chemical and microbiological analyzes of the water will be carried out every 30 days.
