Self-certification in Campania for travel between provinces: what it contains


The ordinance of the President of the Campania Region (number 82 of October 20, 2020) blocking interprovincial mobility (that is, between Naples, Salerno, Avellino, Benevento, Caserta) provides reintroduction of self-certification to justify travel between provinces. Italians have known this type of acts in the days of the Covid closure in March. It is a sheet of paper in which, in accordance with the legislative provisions on administrative documentation that regulate, among others,to the production of deeds and documents to the public administration bodies as well as to those responsible for public services, in the relationships between them and in those with users and individuals that allow them»Your personal data is indicated and in this specific case the reason for the transfer between provinces is explained even though there is an ordinance that prohibits it.

Self-certification is always drawn up “under personal responsibility, in accordance with Presidential Decree 445/2000”. The regional ordinance provides for some exceptions to the travel ban:

– health reasons;

– proven business reasons;

– proven family reasons;

– school reasons and / or related to training activities and / or social assistance;

Then there are also “other reasons of urgent need”: there are so many possible situations that it is impossible to list them all. In self-certification in Campania, the petitioner must declare his habitual address, a valid telephone contact and that “he is not subject to the quarantine measure or that he has not tested positive for Covid-19 (except for movements ordered by the health authorities) and finally Be “aware of the criminal consequences provided for in the event of false statements to a public official” regulated by article 495 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
